
发布 2023-08-11 22:14:41 阅读 5052

2、cai点击zip,让zip自己介绍:hello! i’m zip .

i’m glad to be your new classmate. this is a picture of my former school.(cai出示主情景图)

3、cai: zip介绍自己的老师:

a) look! this is my math teacher (教师拿出一本数学书解释).he’s tall and thin.

t: who is your chinese teacher? zip假装听不清,教师适时让全班学生一起问他:who is your chinese teacher?

t:miss zhang. what’s she like? (学生read,教师用态势语帮助学生理解)can you tell me ?

ss: he’s short and fat!

zip: yes, he’s short and he**y . read 用夸张的的体态语描述)

practice: “he**y”. 出示一些**胖人物的**:zoom, zhu bajie , etc)

b) ss:(教师启发学生问) who is your music teacher and who is your art teacher?

zip:guess !

ss guess.

ss: what’s he /she like ?(compare)

zip: she is young and he is old(长着胡须). read)

practise: t:i ’m old ,you are young.

让学生逐个说:i’m young , you are old.

c) ss :who is your computer teacher?

zip:m r li.

t:(出示这位老师和蔼可亲的笑脸)what’s he like?

ss: he’s…(让学生随意描述,之后教师导出kind)

**常识老师悉心辅导zip的一个片段,zip:my science teacher is kind ,too.

t: let’s see, in our school, who is kind? am i kind?

practise: my …teacher is kind./ xx is kind.(让学生说说自己的老师和同学)

. practice/consolidation

活动设计:make a new chant. (cai)

my grandma is old, my mother is young.

my father is tall, my little brother’s short.

zoom is he**y, zip is funny.

they are all very kind. and i’m kind, too.


活动设计: read and link.

a). do it on the worksheet.

what’s she/he like?

young funny old he**y kind

b). play it on the computer. (cai)

what’s she/he like?

young funny old he**y kind

活动过程:点击单词,把单词拖到相对应的**下。如单词与**能对应起来,会发出鼓励的掌声; 如不能对应,单词会自动回到原处。另外,也可以放在学校的**上,让学生课后试一试。

活动目的:字形、字意的巩固; 在游戏中正确判断单词的意思。

活动设计:listen and write the words.


young funny old he**y kind

听力材料:sue: nice to see you again, donny.

donny: nice to see you too, sue.

sue: donny, we h**e a new english teacher. she’s miss yang.

donny: oh, what’s she like?

sue: she’s young and kind. and she’s very funny. oh, donny, who’s your english teacher?

donny: mr. fang.

sue: what’s he like?

donny: he’s old and he**y. but he’s very smart. all of us like him very much.

sue: it’s time for class, see you next time.

donny: see you.


活动设计:look and find. circle the words.


活动设计:describe the pictures.(cai)

ask and answer: who’s this…? he’s/ she’s… what’s he/she like? he’s/she’s…

活动目的:多**呈现一些人物**,形式可以全班问答,小组问答,个人描述等; 学生可以自由选择。

活动设计:discuss the pictures.


活动设计:guessing game!

语言:——who’s your good friend?


—boy or girl?

—boy!—what’s he like?

—he’s tall and cool. he has two big eyes. he’s eleven.…

—is he fei xiang…?

—no!/yeah, you are right.

活动形式:ss—s; s—s.


课外活动设计:describe the picture.

如:who’s this…? he’s/ she’s… what’s he/she like? he’s/she’s…

a).ask and answer. (卡片)

b).dice game.


活动目的: 这两个活动都是学生分小组一起玩的,旨在让学生在游戏、活动中巩固、运用所学语言。

课外活动设计:picture identity cards.

活动准备:dice;counters;15-25cards with pictures of various people.

活动规则:if a child lands on a big dot, he or she takes a card , then describes the person on the card. for example, this is a man, he’s our math teacher.

he’s tall and he**y. …the child may move his or her counter one dot forward for each correct sentence.

活动目的: 运用所学语言进行描述。






listen to a song: my new teacher.


1、let’s try.

2、activity book.

3、check up the answers.


my new teachers 第四课时。教学设计方案。蔡家沟镇中心小学。张巍。教学目标。1 能够听懂会说本课时单词及词组 principal,universitystudent,strict,smart,active。2 能够听懂会说句型 who s?is she?3 能够听懂let s chan...


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