
发布 2023-08-11 22:14:41 阅读 4074

period 1 section a let’s learn ask and write p5

教师寄语:(always do your best.凡事都要尽力去做。)

learning aims(学习目标)

1. 能听、说、读、写do morning exercises, eat breakfast, h**e…class, play sports, eat dinner。

2. 会说句型:“when do you do morning exercises/…?并能回答“at…o’clock.”。

important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 掌握let’s learn中的动词短语并能用于回答问询作息时间。

2. 掌握单词exercises的正确发音。

导学**。step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)

1)t: hello , boys and girls! welcome back to school!

ss: hello, miss...nice to see you again. t: nice to see you ,too.

2)t: what time is it? (可以课前在黑板上画一个钟面,张开手臂演示一个时间)

ss:it’s 9/10/11 o’clock.(注意给学生强调整点时间后面要用o’clock)反复操练。

3)go over these phrases : wash my clothes, watch tv, do homework, read books, play football.

let’s do homework/read books/play football/…

i often wash my clothes/watch tv/do homework/ read books/…

step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)。

1. use the cards to learn new phrases.

t: do morning exercises, do morning exercises, follow me to read.

用同样的方式教读其他词组:eat breakfast, h**e…class, play sports, eat dinner(重点强调exercises、breakfast的发音)。

2. t: do morning exercises, do morning exercises, let’s/i often do morning exercises.

t: eat dinner, eat dinner let’s/ i often eat dinner.

3. read these sentences.

t: i can swim/play football/play sports…..

t: can you do morning exercises/…?ss: yes, i can./no, i can’t.

t: when do you do morning exercises /play football/play sports?”

ss: at… o’clock.(跟学生强调整点前要用介词at) 反复操练。

4. 学生听录音,分角色读let’s learn 。

step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)

role- play:

1) answers the questions.

t: what time is itss: it’s six/nine o’clock.

t: i get up at six o’clock. when do you get up/go to school?

ss: i get up at 7:30.

2) ask and write.


t: when do you get up/do morning exercises? ss: i get up at….


step 4. 达标检测(用时6分钟)


a. do morning exercisesb. eat breakfast

c. h**e english classd. play sports( )

e. eat dinner


sports, exercises , h**e english class , breakfast , dinner

1. when do you上英语课)?

2. i play __进行体育运动)at 6 o’clock .

3. we eat吃早饭) at 7 o’clock a . m .

4. when do you do morning早锻炼) ?

5. let’s eat __吃晚饭) together .


)1.你们常常三点钟上英语课吗? a. let’s eat breakfast.

)2.我通常六点钟进行体育运动。 b. when do you do morning exercises?

)3.我们一起吃早饭吧c. usually i play sports at 6 o’clock.

)4.你什么时候早锻炼d. we eat dinner at 8 o’clock

)5.我们晚上八点吃晚饭。 e. do you often h**e english class at 3 o’clock?


step 5.布置当堂作业。

1.书写并背诵四会词组。2.读背let’s learn的对话。

板书标题 unit 1 my day


do morning exercises eat breakfast h**e…class play sports

eat dinner

when do you do morning exercises/eat breakfast/…?


when do you get up/…?

i get up at….


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