
发布 2023-05-20 07:00:28 阅读 3709

unit 1 the world of our senses

period 1 welcome to the unit导学案。

学习目标 :

1. 训练英语听说能力;

2. 了解盲人和聋哑人是如何进行交流的;

3. 能够意识到人的五种感官的重要性。


1. five senses2.

4. taste5.

7. affect8.

10. sign


1) 在某人的日常生活中。

2) 和某人讨论某事。

3) 相互影响。

4) 味觉。

5) 一两次。

6) 取得巨大成就。

合作**:1. 阅读p1的短文,回答下列问题。

1) do you know how blind people can read?

blind people can read byletters indots called

2) how do the deaf(聋子)communicate with each other?

people with hearing problems can understand each other using

2. **描述p1

picture1:do you see a vase(花瓶) or two faces?

if you look at the white part, you can see aif you look at the black part, you can see two

picture 2:which is longer, line x or line y?

in fact, the two lines are of the一样的)length(长度).

picture 3: are lines m and n straight(直的。

picture 4:how do you read line b

3. 讨论:教材p1


1. all the___noise in the crowd made the little girl __

a. confusing; confusingb. confused; confused

c. confusing; confusedd. confused; confusing

2my hometown take on a new look, aof pride suddenly appeared in my mind.

a. h**ing seen; happinessb. seeing; meaning

c. when i saw; sensed. while i saw; feeling

3. _you dislike ancient monuments, warrick castle is __worth a visit.

a. even if; wellb. though; very c. if; quited. when; well

4. though good care has been taken of him, his health is still __

a. so poorb. poorc. as poord. poorer


unit 1 the world of our senses

period 2 reading导学案。

学习目标 :

1. 学习一篇故事并知道大意,它讲述的是在一个有浓雾的下午,一位年轻女士下班后在地铁站迷了路。

2. 知道关于故事的阅读策略,并学会如何才能更好地理解一篇故事。

3. 学会分析故事的要素。

4. 能够理解故事中的较复杂的人物关系。



far( sight(l20

for( out for(l37

to one’s aid( relief(l50


a. 快速阅读,回答下列问题:

1. what is the story about?

a younglost in the

2. where did polly live?


3. who helped polly?

4. what was the old man carrying?


**一』学习第3页的reading strategy(阅读策略),了解这篇故事的要素。猜一猜其中黑体印刷的单词的中文意思。


certain time place

problem to be climax or a surprising ending

) fog was very thick in the morning.

) polly got to green park, the weather turned out to be fine.

)3. polly got to green park by train.


劝学 导学案 学习目标 1 掌握并积累重要的文言实词 虚词和特殊句式。2 理解课文的主要观点,领会学习的重要性及学习的方法。3 掌握本文的论证方法 比喻论证 正反对比论证。学习重难点 1 了解荀子有关学习的意义 作用和学习应持态度的论证述。2 掌握本文的论证方法 比喻论证 正反对比论证。知识链接 荀...


2 我会组词。析 绍 扶 僵 焰 杨 晰 招 抚 疆 陷 扬 本课的生字我觉得比较难记的是 我采用的识字方法是。比较难写的是 我采用的方法是 3 我能运用方法理解 浑黄一体高大挺秀戈壁 等词语。4 初读课文后,我知道课文讲了这样一件事 我还知道爸爸表面在赞美白杨树外在的特点,实际是在赞美具有白杨树一...

3 乡愁导学案

3.乡愁。知识与技能教学。过程与方法。目标。情感 态度与价值观。学习本诗严谨的结构,精巧的构思。把握诗歌的意象,领会其象征意义。把握诗歌的主题,提高阅读和鉴赏诗歌的能力。体会作者深厚强烈的思乡情怀,培养学生热爱祖国的感情。学习。培养学生鉴赏诗歌的能力,分析诗歌意象,品读诗歌凝练含蓄的语言。重点。学习...