五年级英语教学要求及练习 2

发布 2023-04-18 14:58:28 阅读 4442

一. 教学目标。


air和are发ear发[a:]或[ ]



ladder, broken, kind, upstairs, pass, hand, brush, post, get, downstairs, lend, money, teach, medicine, fridge, bring, ask, say


look after



can you help me? can you pass me the book? …

could you carry this bag upstairs for me? …

sure./certainly./of course…….

二. 练习题及作业。

1. 读每组单词,看划线部分的发音,与所给的音标连线。

(1) year clear ear dear

] 2) care careful square parents

] 3) chair pair hair repair

a: ]4) where downstairs upstairs air

(5) pass fast card park

2. 根据所给中文,选择正确英文单词,将序号写在横线上。

钱,货币a. money b. many

邮寄a. passb. post

说,讲a. seeb. say

楼上a. upsairs b. downstairs

教,教学a. teachb. touch

3. 根据所给单词填入所缺字母,然后再翻译成中文。

m dicinebr sh

fr dgel dder

l ndk nd

br kensk

4. 读句子,选词填空。

1) could you lend (i , me) your bike?

2) could you carry this big bagto the upstairs , upstairs) for me?

3) miss wang will teach (they , them) english.

4) she is going to stay at home and lookfor , after) her mother.

5) my bike is (wrong , broken). can you repair it?

5. 连词组句。(要求书写正确)

1) you , me , help, can

2) you , i , help , can

3) medicine , you , me , could , the , pass

4) here , are , you , certainly

6. 听录音,跟读10分钟,背诵本课课文。

7. 阅读短文。

jill’s mother can not find her glasses(眼镜). jill, i want to read. please help me find my glasses,” said her mother.

jill looked on her mother’s table in her mother’s room. she didn’t find the glasses, but she found a pencil. she then looked on the chair.

she didn’t find the glasses, but she found a book. then she took these things to her mother. “i can’t read without(没有) glasses,” said her mother.

jill looked at her mother and started to laugh(笑). now i kown where your glasses are,” she said. “there they are on the top(顶部) of your head !”


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