
发布 2023-03-01 18:15:28 阅读 2131

unit 2 what time do you go to school?

the first period 教案。

时间: 2024年2月26日。


班级: 第十五中学七年级三班。

teaching aims (教学目标)


2. 能熟练使用时间的表达法。

3. 能掌握并使用目标语言what time do you usually …?来询问对方的作息时间。

4. 能够准确的使用时间表达法以及频率副词usually,never和always来表达自己的日常作息时间安排。

language points (语言点)

1. 词汇:1) 名词n. dress, brush, tooth, shower

2) 副词adv. up, usually, never, early

3) 动词 v. dress, brush, shower

4)数词 num. forty, fifty

5)词组 get up, get dressed, take a shower

2. 句型:what time do you usually get up?

i usually get up at six thirty.

difficulties (教学难点)

1. 时间的表达法,即顺读法和逆读法。

2. 频率副词的正确使用。

3. 目标语言的熟练操练。

teaching steps (教学步骤)

1. warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

(1)daily greetings to the ss.

(2) revision(复习):a number game.

t: let’s play a number game. we will say the numbers out loud together.

when you reach seven, seventeen, seventy or the multiples of seven, you should clap your hands instead of saying the number.


2. presentation (呈现新知识)

1) present some pictures of clocks. teach ss how to say the time.

t: look, what time is it?

ss: it’s six/six thirty/seven/seven thirty/eight o’clock, etc.

teach ss how to use what time/o’clock.

h**e ss practice saying them.

(2) present some pictures of activities in 1a. help ss to understand these new phrases: get up, go to school, get dressed, brush teeth, eat breakfast, take a shower.

3. work on 1a (完成1a)

(1) match the activities with the pictures.

(2) check the answers.


4. work on 1b (完成1b)

1)listen and match the times with the actions. draw lines from the clocks to the pictures.

2) check the answers like this:

t: now you are rick and i am the interviewer.

what time do you usually get up/go to school/get dressed/brush your teeth/eat breakfast/take a shower?

s: i usually … at …


5. work on 1c (完成1c)

(1)student a is the interviewer. student b is rick. ask and answer questions about rick’s day.

a: what time do you usually take a shower, rick?

b: i usually take a shower at six forty.

(2) h**e some pairs present their conversations to the class.


6. work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)

(1)t: please turn to page 8.

(2)t: now let’s listen to the conversation and complete the sentences.

(3)t: can you get the answers? please check the answers.

4)t: please look at 2b. i’ll play the conversation once again.

complete the shower schedule for jim’s family.

(5)t: what time does bob take a shower?

s: he usually takes a shower at 5:30.


7. work on 2c (完成2c)

ask and answer questions according your day.

a: what time do you usually …?

b: i usually … at …

a: i always … at …

b: i never … so …


8. homework (课后作业)

oral: 1. 朗读并熟记第7页的单词和句子。

2. 背诵2a听力材料。

written: 抄写第7页的单词和句子。


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