
发布 2023-03-01 17:50:28 阅读 8274

七年级英语第二单元《where is the post office》知识点和习题整理。


post office 邮局。

pay phone 投币式公用**。

next to 在…隔壁 the bank is next to the park.

across from 在…对面。

in front of 在…前面 the pay phone is in front of the supermarket.

between…and… 在…和…之间。

in the neighborhood 在附近 the park in the neighborhood.

on the right/left 在右边/在左边 the school is on the right.

go straight 一直走。

on one's right/left 在某人的右边/左边。

turn right/left 向右/左转。

take a walk 散步。

let's =let us take a walk. 让我们去散步吧。

h**e fun 玩得开心。

the way to …去…的路。

take a taxi 打的/乘出租车。

go down(along)…沿着…走 go down the street 沿着街走。

go through…穿过… go through the park 穿过公园。

h**e a good trip 旅途愉快。


's a bank on center street. (p7--1c) 在**大街有一家银行。

“there be 句型”注意以下几点:“有”…时,会用此句型。



there is a book and two pens on the desk. =there are two pens and a book on the desk.

2)there be 句型的否定形式为:在be动词后加not.


there isn't a pencil case in the backpack.

3)there be 的疑问句为:将be动词提前。



---is there a tall tree in front of his house?

---yes, there is.

pay phone is across from the library. 投币式**在图书馆对过。 (p8--2a)


the supermarket is across from the post office.

library is between the restaurant and the supermarket. (p8--2b) 图书馆在餐馆和超市之间。

between 介词,“在…和…之间(两个)”.


the cat is sitting between jane and her grandmother.

a walk through the park on center **enue. 在**大道旁的公园里散步。(p11--3a)

take a walk = h**e a walk 散步。


would you like to take a walk along the street?

through 介词,穿过(尤指从里面)

is the beginning of the garden tour. 这就是公园游览的开始。(p11--3a)


this is the beginning of our vacation.

at the beginning of …在……开始。


at the beginning of the meeting, we sang a song.

street is a good place to h**e fun. bridge 大街是一个娱乐玩耍的好地方。(p11--3b)

me tell you the way to my house. 让我告诉你无我家的路。(p12--3)


let me help you with your homework.

the way to …“去…的路”,其中的to为介词。


can you tell me the way to the bank?

you see a big supermarket, turn left. 当你看到一家大超市时,向左拐。(p12--3)

hope you h**e a good trip. (p12--3) 我希望你有一个愉快的旅行。


1.-is there a fruit shop __the neighborhood?

-yes,it's __center street___the right.

2.-thank you very much.

're welcome

're welcome 't thank me

street is a good place to h**e __

fun take a walk __the park every day.

are __ji'nan next week.

at in in at

's very can __a bus.

___**enue,you will see it.

eighth eight

is a small house___a small garden.

9.-is there a bike in the supermarket?

is isn't isn't is

best friend sits next___me.

单选答案:解析:d 此题考查介词的用法。

in the neighborhood“在附近”,用介词in.可排除选项a、c.此题的答案为“沿着中心大街在右边”,故用介词down,“在右边”用介词on.

故选 d.

解析:c 此题考查日常交际用语,同时注意英语中的习惯用语。对于感谢的回答有很多。

如: not at all./you are welcome./ that's all right./that's ok.等。

解析:a fun意为“娱乐,乐趣”,是不可数名词,故不能选b和c.名词没有现在分词的变化,故不选d.

解析:b across和through两个介词都有“穿过”之意,用法不同。across和on有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行,表示“横穿/跨”.


解析:c 此题主要考查动词arrive的基本用法。arrive at表示到达较小的地方,arrive in表示到达较大的地方,另外此题还考查了现在进行时的用法,所以选c.

解析:d 此句中缺少谓语动词,故选d.乘坐某种交通工具用动词take,如take a taxi,take a car等。

解析:b 此题考查序数词和基数词的用法,此题意思是“穿过第八条大街”,所以用序数词,注意序数词前用the.

解析:c “它是一个带有小花园的小房子”,在英语中表示“有”的词有h**e,there be,with等。h**e动词,在句中作谓语动词;there be,表示“某处有某物”;with介词,表示“和……,有或带着……”题中已有谓语动词,因此不用h**e,只能选with.

解析:d 根据there be句型的回答,我们选择它的正确回答形式是:yes,there is.

解析:a 根据介词的固定搭配,我们选择next to.


1. seventh street is a good place玩得高兴)

2. let me __帮助你) with your english.


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