
发布 2023-02-22 19:24:28 阅读 5299

unit 1 where is your pen pal from?

the first period section a(1a-2d)

一. learning aims

knowledge objects:

重点词汇:live, australia, the united states, japan, canada, france, pen pal

重点句型:where is your pen pal from?

he’s/she’s from…

where does he/she live?

he/she lives in…

ability objects: 培养学生的交际能力,培养学生的合作学习能力。

二. important and difficult points

1. 重点句型:where is your pen pal from?

he’s/she’s from…

where does he/she live?

he/she lives in…

2. 让学生学习怎样使用where引导的特殊疑问句并注意和which引导的特殊疑问句的区别。where do you live?

/which city do you live in?

三. learning process

step1. review



step2. leading-in


step3. 自主**,合作交流。


step4. 组织操练。

1. 师生对话 t: a, where are you from?

sa: i’m from…….

t: b, where is a from?

sb: he/she is from…….

2. 学生分组对话,成组练习如下。

a: where are you from?

b: i’m from henan/….

a: do you h**e a pen pal?

b: yes, i do.

a: where is your pen pal from?

b: he / she is from australia.(japan/ china /france /singapore)

3.师生对话引出be from=come from,让他们学习新的句子结构where is your pen pal from?= where does your pen pal come from?

4. 听力训练,完成2b和2c

5.在核对听力答案的基础上让学生知道where引导的特殊疑问句的用法,告诉他们两种句式“where does he live?”和“which city does he live in?

”的区别。释疑live in+ 地点而live+ here/ there /abroad


a: where does your pen pal live?

b: he/ she lives in tykyo. (pairs……)

a: which city does your pen pal live in?

b: he/ she lives in tykyo. (pairs……)

step5. 练习反馈。






1. where is your pen pal from? (改为同义句)

2. i come from japan. (对划线部分提问)

3. he lives in beijing. (对划线部分提问)


a: excuse me! 1 are you from?

b: i’m from england. 2 3 you?

a: i’m from canada. i 4 in ottawa.

b: ottawa is a good 5 .what 6 do you speak?

a:i speak english and a 7 french.

b: what’s your 8 sport?

a: look, 9 .

b: oh,yes,but i 10 like it.

step6. 课堂小结。

学习反思:unit 1 where is your pen pal from?


the second period section a (3a-3b)

一.teaching aims

knowledge objects

1.词汇:chinese, english, french, japanese,language

2.句型:what languages does she / he speak?

asbility objects

1. 谈论国家,国籍,城市,语言。

2. 询问人们来自**,住在**。

3. 学会简单介绍自己的笔友。

二.important and difficult points

1. 重点词汇:chinese, english, french, japanese, language

2. 重点句型:this is my pen pal. he/ she is from…he/ she lives in…

what languages does she / he speak?

she / he speaks english and french.

三.learning process

step1. review


where do you come from? i’m come from……

do you h**e a pen pal?

where does your pen pal come from?

step2. leading-in


what language does your pen pal speak?

step3. 自主**,合作交流。

1. 自主学习完成3a和3b


a: what language do you speakb: i speak chinese.

a: what language does your pen pal speak

b: he /she speaks english.

step4. 组织操练。


i h**e a new pen pal. he is from australia.

he lives in sydeny.

he speaks english. he can’t speak chinese.


step5. 练习反馈。


1. i h**e a pen pal inenglish)

2. his pen pal is fromfrench)

3canada) speak english and french.

4. my pen pal from speak france __speak) english well.

5. this woman in the car isengland)

6. wherebe) your pen pals from?


1. i is not from mexico.(合并为一句)


2. she is from the united states.(对划线部分提问she __

3. maybe he is from japan.(改为同义句) hefrom japan.

4. they often enjoy themselves on weekends.(改为同义句)

they oftenon weekends.

5. his father speaks english and chinese.(对划线部分提问)

does his father __

step6. 课堂小结。


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