
发布 2023-02-22 19:26:28 阅读 8761

unit 1 can you play the guitar?

play chess下棋。

talk to跟……说。

be good with对……有办法。

play the guitar/piano/drums/violin

speak english/chinese说英语/汉语。

swimming club游泳俱乐部。

sports club体育俱乐部。

be good at doing sth.擅长做。

tell stories讲故事。

do kung fu打功夫。

make friends with sb.和某人交朋友。

help (sb.) with sth.

help sb. (to) do sth.

on the weekend=on weekends在周末。

old people’s home敬老院。

play/do sports做运动。

play games with sb.和某人做游戏。

call sb. at + **号码。

mary can sing and dance.

tina can’t sing or dance.

unit 2 what time do you go to school?

get up起床;站起。

get dressed穿上衣服。

take a shower洗淋浴。

radio station广播电台。

do (one’s) homework做作业。


brush (one’s) teeth刷牙。

eat/h**e breakfast/lunch/dinner


take a walk=go for a walk散步。

lots of=a lot of许多/大量。

all night整晚 all day整天。

be late for school上学迟到。

taste good感观动词+形容词。

感观动词:taste, smell, feel, sound, look

2:10 two ten=ten past two

1:50 one fifty=ten to two

3:15 three fifteen=fifteen past three=a quarter past three

4:45 four forty-five=fifteen to five=a quarter to five

half an hour半小时。

at nine thirty九点半。

at seven o’clock七点。

an interesting job一份有趣的工作。

go to school/work去上学/班。

unit 3 how do you get to school?

get to到达。

every day每天。

think of认为;想起。


ride a/the bike骑自行车。

come true实现;成为现实。

take the/a bus/subway/train/plane/ship

he walks to school.

he goes to school on foot.

i take the bus to go to school.

i go to school by bus.


two hundred

hundreds of成百上千的。

many books

much milk

so/too many books

so/too much milk

much too busy

unit 4 don’t eat in class.

be) on time准时。

listen to music听**。

go out外出(娱乐)

make one’s bed铺床。

be strict with sb.对某人要求严格。

follow/keep the rules遵守规则。

break the rules违反规则。

family rules家规。

school rules校规。

arrive/be late for school/work


practice doing sth.

please + do sth.

please come in.

come in, please.

let sb. (not) do sth.

let me read it.

be + adj.

be quiet!

don’t do sth.

don’t be late.

no doing sth.

no talking! no smoking!

no photos!

don’t h**e to =needn’t

--must we start at once?

--no, you don’t h**e to/needn’t.

unit 5 why do you like pandas?

cut down砍倒。

be) made of由……制成的。

kind of=a little稍微;有点儿。

i am kind of tired.

a kind of一种。

all) kinds of各种各样的。

be friendly/kind to sb.

forget to do sth.忘记去做。

forget doing sth.忘记做过。

be from=come from

he is from america.

he comes from america.

welcome to our school.

get/be lost迷路;丢失。

be) in danger面临危险。

be) out of danger脱离危险。

one of + 可数名词的复数。

the elephant is one of thailand’s symbols.

unit 6 i’m watching tv.

read a news*****看报纸。

make soup做汤。

go to the movies去看电影。

eat out 外出吃饭。

drink tea喝茶。

make tea泡茶。

the united states of america美国。

dragon boat festival端午节。

an american boy

talk on the phone

wait for等待;等候。

listen to a cd听**。

wash/do the dishes洗餐具。

wash one’s clothes洗衣服。

see you再见。

see you tomorrow明天见。

make zongzi包粽子。

any other + 单数名词。

mary misses her family and wishes to h**e her mom’s delicious zongzi.

unit 7 it’s raining!






how’s the weather in beijing?

what’s the weather like in beijing?

--how’s it going?

--fine!/not bad!

by the pool在水池边。

orange juice橙汁。

summer vacation/holiday暑假。

in the mountains在山区。

unit 8 is there a post office near hear?

post office邮局。

police station警察局。

pay phone付费**。

across from在……对面。

in front of在……前面。

turn right/left向右/左转。

spend time花时间。

at the first crossing在第一个十字路口。

on bridge road在bridge路。

go down/along沿着。

enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事。

h**e fun doing sth.

h**e a good/great time doing sth.

make money赚钱。

easy adj.--easily adv.

unit 9 what does he look like?

be of medium height中等身高。

curly hair卷发。

straight hair直发。

wear glasses戴眼镜。

be) of medium build中等身材。

there are many people in the room.

there are two persons in the room.

an artist一位艺术家。

in the end=at last最后;最终。

unit 10 i’d like some noodles.

take one’s order点菜。

one (large) bowl of一(大)碗。

around the world=all over the world全世界; 世界各地。

make a wish许愿。

blow out吹灭。

get/be popular受欢迎;流行。

cut up切碎。

bring good luck to给……带来好运。

two potatoes

an idea一个主意。

green tea 绿茶。

in/at one go一次性。

come true实现。

long noodles长寿面。

a symbol of good luck好运的象征。

want to do sth.

would like to do sth.

unit 11 how was your school trip?

milk a cow给奶牛**。

ride a horse骑马。

feed chickens喂鸡。

quite a lot (of)…=quite a few=quite a little许多。

in the countryside在乡下;在农村。

fire station消防站。

all in all总的来说。

be interested in (doing sth.)


talk with sb.和某人交谈。


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