
发布 2023-02-21 13:10:28 阅读 2658

unit 5 topic 1 section a

学习目标 (learning objects)

1. 能正确使用how来询问日常的交通方式,并能正确使用表示交通方式的介词by,能就询问和表达交通方式的话题进行交流与对话操练。

2. 能正确运用表示频率的副词:often, usually, always.

3. 情感目标:通过了解他人的日常生活培养关心他人的意识。

学习过程 (learning procedure)

i. pre-listening听前

1. 老师演唱《happy new year》,然后跟唱,进入新课。

2. 以自己如何到达学校的方式:i usually come to school by bus. how about you? 谈论不同的交通方式。

3. 学习不同的交通方式:

by bus/bike/subway/ship/train/boat/plane/car, on foot

听中 1. 听 1a录音,回答:what are the children talking about

a. kangkang’s new bike. b. their way to go to school.

c. helen’s new biked. jane’s way to come to school.

2. 再听1a录音,完成下列句子:


2)kangkang comes to school

3)helen usually comes to schoolor

4)jane always comes to school

3. 分角色朗读1a,小组相互竞赛,注意语音和语调,并仿造1a和1c编造新的对话。

4. 完成1b的匹配练习,对各种交通方式的表达进行归纳总结。

5. 熟读2a表达交通方式的短语并与**搭配,听录音, 完成2b。

6. 听3a, 3b的录音,并模仿录音学习音标。

iii. post-listening听后


学后小结 (summary)

1. 写出下列动词的三单形式。

a. comelookworklive __

b. guess___teachdresscatch___

c. trystudycarryfly __

2. 理解并翻译下列词组或句子

1)at the gate2) look very nice

3)by bike/subway/bus

4)how about

5)it’s time for class

it’s time __sth. =it’s timesth.

it’s time __sbsth.

拓展练习 (test)


)1.—happy new year

a. thank you! b. you are right! c. the same to you! d. sorry !

)2.— do you usually h**e lunch ?

— at school .

a. whenb. wherec. howd. why

)3.—how are you going to the summer palace ?

we are going there __bike .

a. forb. atc. ofd. by

)4.— do you usually go to your office ?

—by bus .

a. how often b. what timec. whend. how

)5. it’s five o’clock . it’s __go home.

a. time tob. time forc. timed. time to go to


1. jane usually goes to school by subway. (对划线部分提问)

goes to school by bike. (对划线部分提问)

wang comes here by subway. (改为一般疑问句)

___miss. wang __here by subway?

goes to work by car. (对划线部分提问)

jackto work?

time to h**e lessons. (同义句替换)

it’s time

unit 5 topic 1 section b

学习目标 (learning objects)

1. 掌握并熟练运用交通方式的动词表达方式与介词表达方式的转换。

2. 学会表示频率的副词和对频率提问的表达方式:sometimes, seldom, never.

3. 情感态度价值观:“黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟”,我们要惜时珍时,更要勤奋。

学习过程 (learning procedure)

i. pre-listening听前


1) take a bus to school = go to school by bus

2) take a plane to beijing

3) take the subway to work

4) ride a bike home

5) walk to his office

6) drive a car to the great wall

ii. while-listening听中。






6. 听4部分,并模仿录音朗读例句,对重要内容进行练习和巩固。

iii. post-listening听后


学后小结 (summary)


1. what time2. get up

3. on weekdays4. by subway___

5. at about six o’clock6. come to school___

7. on foot8. take a bus

9. how about …?what about

10. walk to school = go to school on foot

拓展练习 (test)

. 单项选择。

)1. i don’t want __so early .

a. to get upb. gets up c. get upd. getting up

)2. my father never __

a. cooksb. cookc. cooking d. is cooking

)3. —will you get there by __train ?

—no, i’ll take __taxi.

a. /ab. a , thecd. the, a

)4. —does mary usually go to school?

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