
发布 2023-01-31 15:03:28 阅读 2791

2009-2024年四年级英语练习(unit4 )

班级: 姓名成绩:


1.书房2.厨房3.浴室( )

4.客厅5.卧室6.房间 (

7.家8.学校9.教室( )

10.**11.桌子12.书架 (

13.沙发14.床15.冰箱 (

16.门17.窗户18.书桌( )

19.椅子20.打开21.图画 (


) in sarah’s home?

a: it’s a window.

b: a living room, two bathrooms, a kitchen and

three bedrooms.

c: it’s bedrooms.

) is my key?

a: yes, it is.

b: it’s in the door.

c: they ate in the door.

( )are my books?

a:they is in my book.

b: it is in your desk.

c: they are in my desk.

) this your bedroom?

a: yes, it is.

b: yes, it isn’t.

c: no, they aren’t.

) this your pencil-case?

a: yes, they are.

b: no, it is.

c: yes, it is.

) they on the table?

a: yes, they are.

b: no, it is.

c: yes, it is.

) this your mother?

a: yes, he is.

b: yes, she is.

c: yes, it is.

) that your brother?

a: no, he isn’t.

b: no, she isn’t.

c: no, he isn’t.

) are you?

a: i am in the bedroom.

b: it is in the bedroom.

c: they are in the bedroom.

) in your bedroom?

a: a living room, two bathrooms, a kitchen and

three bedrooms.

b: a bed, a shelf, a desk and a chair .

c: a math book ,an english book,a chinese book and a pencil-case.

) many rooms are there in your room?

a: a living room, two bathrooms, a kitchen and

three bedrooms.

b: seven.

c: i can see seven.


a: look at my new room.

ba: i h**e a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms .

b: is this your bedroom?

ab: what’s in it?

ab: it’s nice . do you like your bedroom?

aa: yes, i do.

b: a bed, a desk, a chair and a shelf.

服饰□ 学习用品□ 食品□ 休闲娱乐□ 小饰品□c: what’s in it


d: yes, it is.

e : no, it isn’t.


look at my home. it’s not big. but it’s very nice.

there is a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen and two bedrooms. my bedroom is small but clean. i h**e a bed, a shelf, a desk and a chair .

there are many books on the shelf. there is a computer on the desk. i play computer games on sundays.

home is very big

h**e 2 bathrooms in my home. (

is a bed, a shelf, a desk and a chair in my bedroom. (

play computer games on mondays.(

computer is in the living room.(


那么大学生最喜欢哪种手工艺品呢?此次调查统计如下图(1-3)九。 选句补充对话,将正确的句子的编号填在横线上。



what’s in it?


how many bedrooms do you h**e?


为此,这些多样化的作品制作对我们这一创业项目的今后的操作具有很大的启发作用。c. yes, i do.

d. are they on the table?

e. thank you

a: welcome to my home. this is the living room.

关于diy手工艺制品的消费调查b: oh, it’s very big

a: a brown sofa, a yellow table, a blue chair and a big tv.

b标题:大学生“负债消费“成潮流 2024年3月18日a: i h**e 3 bedrooms.

二、大学生diy手工艺制品消费分析b: do you h**e your own(自己的) bedroom?

aoh! where are my keys?

ba: no, they aren’t.

b: look! they are in the door.

ab: you’re welcome.

教案 PEP小学英语四年级上册《Unit4MyHome》

pep小学英语四年级上册 unit 4 my home 第二课时教案。城关镇涧东小学赵紫洁。一 教学目标 1.能听懂 会说 this is my home.并能简单描述自己的房间。2.能听 说 认读study bathroom bedroom livingroom kitchen等单词并能在日常生活...


编写人 包贤惠学习人 时间 家长签字 unit3 my friends a let s learn let s chant let s talk 学习目标 1.能听 说 认读词组tall and strong,short and thin,friendly quiet.2.掌握句子 what s h...


let s spell a e e cake蛋糕 face 脸 name 名字 make制作 hate讨厌 恨 face 脸。a cat猫 dad爸爸 hat帽子 cap棒球帽 map地图 句型 we h e a new classroom.我们有一个新教室。let s go and see 让我们...