
发布 2023-01-18 18:19:28 阅读 8992

recycle2 let’s play a game

教学目标 1.语言知识和语言技能目标:

1)复习询问物品位置单词及其句型where are/is the …?are they/ is it on/in/ near the…? they’re/ it’s ….


2)复习食物的单词及其用餐时的基本句型what would you like? i’d like…. would you like some…?

yes, please. no, thank you.并能够使用这些句型征求并表达用餐意愿,提出用餐建议;

3)复习家人、职业的单词及其询问别人家庭情况的句型how many people are there in you family? is this your…? what’s your…’s job?

she/ he is a …能够使用这些句型询问对方家庭成员的信息和职业,并回答自己的家庭情况。

2.学习策略目标:通过brainstorm, listen and tick, look and match,等方式激活思维,发展学生综合使用语言的水平,提升与他人合作交往的水平。



教学活动 活动1【导入】热身环节

step 1 warm-up

1. let’s sing: happy new year.

t: class begins. good morning,class. are you happy today?

t: me too. because the new year’s day is coming.

at first, let’s sing a song together. happy new year! now, let’s clap your hands and sing.

2. free talk and pair work

1)free talk

t:on new year’s day, what would you like to eat for dinner?

s1:i’d like some ..

t: would you like some chicken?

s1: no, thank you.

t: what about you? s2, what would you like to eat for dinner?

s2: i’d like some fish.

t: would you like some vegetables?

s2: yes, please.

2) pair work

students as a group to practice the dialogue, then show out.

t: please practice in your group.

it’s our show time. which group want to show first?


step 2 practice

t: boys and girls, do you want some gifts? ss: yes!

t:i h**e four tasks for you. if you finish the tasks, you can get the you ready?

task 1: 30 seconds nonstop talking: 利用brainstorm的形式给圣诞老人的礼物分类,让学生复习4-6单元的核心词汇,协助学生建立词汇的分类概念。

t: task 1: 30 seconds nonstop talking.

you will see four topic. you will discuss in your group. the topic one is food and drink.

how many words do you know? who can tell me? you did a good job.

let’s read together.

t:let’s go to topic two place. ok,please discuss in your

task 2: look and match(help the questions match the right answers)复习巩固4-6单元的核心句型,渗透做题技巧。

t: let’s go to task 2: look and match(help the questions match the right answers).

pay attention to the key words.

task 3: make a new sentence.

t:let’s go to task 4:make a new sentence.

you can discuss in your group. got it? go!

task 4:the story about the little match girl

t:on new year’s day, maybe you’ll h**e a bigdinner, maybe you’ll get a gift, look! is she h**ing a big dinner?

( no) she’s not at home. do you know who she is?

ss: the little match girl.( help the students to say.) she is the little match girl.

t:the little match girl is dreaming about her christmas dinner. what would she like?

no listen and tick: what would she like on new year’sday?

听力材料)t: the little match girl is dreaming about her family too. how many people are there in her family?

s3: there are 4.

t: who are they?

s4:they are father, mother, grandma and me.

t: yes, and the little match girl. but now she hasn’t a mother , she hasn’t a grandma now.

only her father and her. look! this is their house.

they are very poor. can you find some detail about the girl?

2) read and chose: 阅读选择,渗透阅读技巧。

read and chose.(读一读选出准确的答案,找出关键词句并用横线划出来。)

t:there are 5 questions about little match girl .tick or cross. and find the key words.

t: h**e you finished? ok, let’s check the answer. how do you know that?

t: h**e you got it ,if you are right ,please put up your hands.(

3) 思想教育: cherish what we h**e!

t:boys and girls,please cherish what we h**e!maybe you h**e a big new year’s dinner,maybe you h**e a gift,but the little match girl hasn’t.

so we should cherish what we h**e.


step 3:阅读一篇文章。

t: i got a letter. this letter is from toby.

let’s enjoy it. at first, i will read for you. i need some music.

t: now,you read the letter in your group. i will give you some music.


step 4 homework

1. enjoy new year’s dinner with your family.

2. share the story about the little match girl with your family.

人教 PEP 四年级上册小学英语《Recycle1》

四年级上unit 3 c story time教学设计。一 教学目标。一 认知目标。1.能够理解story time的故事。2.能够分角色自如表演story time中的故事。二 水平目标。培养学生的阅读理解水平和表演水平。三 情感目标。教育学生要细心生活,互帮互助,包容他人。二 教学重难点。一 重...

人教 PEP 四年级上册小学英语《Recycle2》

recycle 2 学习内容recycle2课时安排共3课时,第1课时学习目标1 能够理解会说故事中的新句型merry christmas how beautiful 2 理解短文大意,会听懂 跟读故事,并尝试表演故事。准确说出单词或句子 敢于开口 积极参与对话交流 检测学生语言综合应用水平的目的。...

人教 PEP 四年级上册小学英语《Recycle2》

recycle 2第三课时教学设计。教材 人教版小学英语四年级上册p68年级 四年级上课时长 40分钟教学目标。1 语言知识和语言技能目标 能听 说 读读4 6单元的重点单词和句子,并能在日常生活中使用。2 学习策略目标 学生能通过完成看相相册对话 准备吃饭找家庭成员等任务现固对核心语言的使用水平。...