
发布 2023-01-18 09:52:28 阅读 5075

stepⅰ: warm-up

1. free-talk between t and ss.

2. sing the song : old macdonald had a farm

t: old macdonald`s farm is so good, do you want to h**e a look? today i am a guide.

let’s get on the bus and go to old macdonald ’s farm(农场).

step 2: presentation and practice

a: presentation

horse by the sounds. tell the ss the pronunciation of each part in the word. lead the ss read the new words by themselves.


show many horses, and asks: what are they?

s: they are horses. 强调 ses 的发音。

2. present hen by the eggs.

show the eggs,and ask where are they from?

teach hen and hens. 每个孩子升调降调一块读。

show many sheep, 让学生读one sheep, two sheep,,,and asks: what are they? s:

they are sheep.注意sheep的发音及单复数同行。

4. present cow

通过猜谜语的形式引出单词cow. 两个同学一块读。

b: consolidation

game are they …?

yes , they are ./no, they aren’t.

2. guessing game

what are these?

these are…

step 3:text learning

1. listen first, knowing its main meaning and answer the questions:

what’s on the farm?

check the answers.

2. listen to the first part ,then discuss the questions with your deskmate.


what are those?

how many horses do the farm h**e?

to the second part, try to answer the questions by yourselves.


are they hens?

the third part silently,then rase the questions you don`t know.


教学a lot of animals.



step4:text production


2 design your own farm and make up a newdialogue in your groups.设计自己的农场,小组内编一个新的对话。(老师提前把准备好的许多小动物的**放在信封里,放在孩子的桌子上。

)3. ask the tudents to show their farm



step 5 summary

step 6 :homework

to the tape 3 times, try to perform the dialogue in pairs .

your own farm and talk about in your group after class .


pep小学英语四年级。unit 4 it s warm today集体备课。中心发言人 刘敬强。地点 洋河小学。时间 2010年4月26日。第一课时。课题 unit 4 it s warm today 第一课时。教学重点 句型 it s warm hot cold cool in 词汇 cold c...


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