
发布 2022-12-16 03:29:28 阅读 3097




八年级上册第二单元英语免费教案一unit2i’llhelp to clean up the city a 1 (1a-2d)一、教学目标:1.语言知识目标:

1)能掌握以下单词:clean up, city, cheer, cheerup, give out, volunteer, notice, used to, lonely,能掌握以下句型:

you could help to clean up the city parks.② we should listen to them and care for them.2)能了解以下语法:

情态动词could, should的用法;用should或could提出建议并对别人的建议作出评价。如何表达主动提供帮助。


1)掌握这些短语动词的构成和用法:cleanup,city,cheer, cheer up, give out,volunteer, notice, used to, lonely

精品文档。2)学会提供帮助的基本句型:i’d like to work help clean the city park.

you could give out food at a food bank.2.教学难点:


三、教学过程step 1 warming up


导学生们了解社会上一些的志愿们进行的活动。t: who are they?

s:they’ others.

t: how could we help people?s1: we could clean up the parks

s2: we could help sick people in the we could help plant trees.…

step 2 new words1. city n.城市。

the library is in the north of the city.图。


2. notice n.公告牌;通告;布告。

please read the list on the notice board.请读公告板上的名单。3. sign n.标志;信号。

look around, we could see no sign of life.环顾四围,我们看不出一点生命的迹象。

4. volunteer v.义务劳动,自愿做volunteer to dosth.

义务自愿做某事 the farm.很多人志愿到农场去工作。5.

clean up打扫;清除。

the students take turns to clean up theirclassroom.学生们轮流打扫教室。6. give out分发;散发。

请帮我将这些试卷发下去。7. cheer v.欢呼;喝彩。

cheer up. the news isn’t too bad.振作起来,消息还不算太坏。

8. lonely adj.孤独的;寂寞的。

精品文档。我不觉得孤独因为我交了新朋友。9. used to曾经,过去。

杰克过去很矮,但现在高了。step 3 discussion

other ways.

2. ss discuss with their partners and write theways one could help others: ①help plant trees by theriver.

help clean up the city park.

visittheoldpeopleintheoldpeople’shome.④ help young kids to learn 4 listening

1. t: tell ss to read the sentences in the sure they know the meaning ofthe sentences.

八年级上册第二单元英语免费教案二教材《英语》初二上册课时module 1 unit 2教学设计。

课型reading and writing




1)词汇围绕本单元话题,学会准确地读出和使用improve, conversation, breath, basic, language, shy,remember, enjoy yourself, all the time等词语。(2)语法巩固已学过的向别人提建议的表达方式和相应答语,能够使用whatdoyouthink?whatshouldido?

how about…?进行表达和交流。




教学步骤活动目的教师活动学生活动1. warming up and


t: what’s your f**ouritesubject at school?

do you think english difficult?

t: show the title, and ask : what’s your problemaboutlearningenglish?

thestudentsworkinpairsandthink about some questions they would like to ask .2. pre-reading锻炼学生听力,并以此让学生能够初步了解文章大概内容,进一步熟悉本单元话题。


t: which ones can you hear from the tape?a.

understanding real english?b. translating english into learning vocabularyd.

writing in english

e speaking english listen carefully and make achoice.(a, c, e)

3.. while-reading设计意图:锻炼学生快速阅读能力,把握文章主要内容。



activity1:first readingt:put the three choices in the right order.

(a,e, c)

活activity 2:skimming and scanningpaparagraph 1:

t: are there a few questions in english study?paragraph 2-3:

t: what’s the problem?what about the suggestion?

do you h**e other suggestions for li hao?paragraph 4-5:

t: what’s the problem?what about the suggestion?ragraph 6-7:

t: what’s the problem?what about the suggestions?

givethestudentsmoresuggestionsaboutpronunciation and spelling.

read the text quickly and do and find out the answers quickly.

read and answer, discuss about the answer of the

精品文档。third question in small groups.

the students act out “take a deep breath andsmile”设计意图:

纵观课文,从总体上把握文章内容并内化成自己的东西。让学生最后用自己的对话将课文中内容用自己的语言表达出来,锻炼学生的英语思维,口语表达等一系列综合语言运用能力。activity 3:

retelling the the whole class into groups.

read the passage loudly, work in small groups offour, and try to make a dialogue to act out the text.4. post-reading

设计意图:纵观课文,巩固课文中所学到的英语学习的方法,培养英语学习的策略性。checktheanswersinclassfinish off the exercises in 设计意图:

让学生通过选择自己在英语学习方面帮助的对象,促使其主动的总结自己在英语学习中做得较好的方面的经验和方法,增强自信心,培养乐于助人的精神。choose one of the classmates, and tell him or her whatyou want to help them with.

精品文档。让学生总结自己在英语学习中较成功的地方,激发英语学习热情,学习他人经验,取长补短,指导今后英语学习。listthethingswhichyouarebetterat,andsummarize the experience, share with your these categories:

listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar,vocabulary, pronunciation, translation.


一.complete the sentences with the next __your english by listening to the radio.2. _the pictures in the order you hear them.

3. _the mistakes in these sentences.4.

_the pictures with the paragraphs.5your spelling and punctuation.


2. can you c___to 100 in english.3.

don’t f___to turn off the englishwhen you le**e the room .

4. i can’t rall the new words . idon’tunderstand it.

6. rthe correct answer.


be born in 某年 某月 jim was born in july.be born on 具体到某一天 the twins were born on 1st january.6.from an early age,he show 1 出示,展示,显露,露出。he showed his pho...


unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?period 1 果园中学王占虎。一 教学目标。1.四会词语 not at all,right away,turn down,yard.2.掌握would you mind 动名词,和could you ple...


1 learn some new words and phrases 2 learn the future tense with be going to 学习重难点 key points 掌握下列句型 1 are you going to play basketball?2 we are going...