
发布 2022-12-28 05:19:28 阅读 8792


unit 4 what’s the best movie theater?

section a 1a—1c

教学过程】一、 导入(启发** 3分钟)


who isathletic),lily or lucy?

peter isfunny)than any other boy in his class.

2. 归纳总结。




越……越。二、自学(自主** 6分钟)


theater ['t] n.剧场;电影院;戏院 comfortable ['kmftbl] adj.舒适的;充裕的。

seat [sit] n.座位; screen [skrin] n.屏幕;银幕

close [kls] v.关;合拢;不开放;停业


comfortable: adj.

the car iscomfortable)than that one.

which theater hascomfortable)seats in town?

look! he is sittingin the chair.

3. seat: n. sit: vi.

please take yourhere. =pleasehere.

this theater has the most comfortable

4. screen: n.

please看)the screen. it has a picture on it.

5. close:

vt. 关闭。do you mind methe door? —not at all.

pleaseyour eyes when you do eye exercises.

closed: adj. who opened the window? i remember i left it

we cant’ do shopping now. look, the shop is

close: adj. 近的,接近的,亲密的。

my home isthe river. (离……近,同义词为。

you should go to bed. it’s closemidnight.

i h**e a close friend. (近义词best)

三、交流(合作** 10分钟)

1. 完成1a discuss:

do you like to go to the movies?

who is your f**orite movie star?

why do you like him / her?

what kind of movies do you like best?

where do you want to go ,cinema、radio station or theater?why

if there are many movie theaters, which movie theaters do you want to go to?

what’s important or not important for a cinema? let’s see 1a. how do you choose what movie theater to go to?

write the things in the box under "important" or "not important".

想想译译。comfortable seatsbig screenscheap

友好的服务新电影close to home

in a fun part of townpopular


用has 或 is填空。

it __comfortable seats it __friendly service

it __cheapit __close to home

it __popularit __in a fun part of town

it __good quality

2. 完成1b listening

2、完成听力时时你发现了the biggest,the best,the most comfortable





great--greatest clever--cleverest


nice--nicest fine--finest


happy--happiest he**y--he**iest


hot--hottest big--biggest


important--most important interesting---most interesting

beautiful--most beautiful popular--most popular

difficult---most difficult creative--most creative

boring--most boring expensive--most expensive



good/well-~better---best bad/ill/badly-~worse--*worst

many/much-+more--+most little---less---least, farther--*farthest


3. 学习1c对话。


a: do you want to go to the movies? b: sure.

a: what's the best movie theater? b: town cinema. it's the cheapest.

a: but i think screen city has the most comfortable seats.

which cinema has friendlier service, town cinema or screen city?

四、总结(引深** 15分钟)


形容词最高级用于两个以上的人和物进行比较, 其结构形式为:


she is student her class. 她是班上最好的学生。

shanghai is one of cities china. 上海是中国最大城市之一。


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