sam is a little fish. he lives in the sea. he is very lonely.
he wants to h**e a friend. the friend looks like him. sam sees an ink fish.
the ink fish has eight legs. he doesn’t look like sam. so sam goes away.
sam meets a shark. he wants to say hello to the shark. the shark opens his big mouth.
sam runs away quickly.
sam is tired and hungry. he wants to h**e a rest. then he sees a round fish.
she says to him. “hello! would you like to be my friend?
”sam answers: “of course! but you are round.
i am flat.” the round fish days: “but we are both fishes.
”sam thinks and says, “you are right. let’s be friends.” they become good friends.
one day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. this time he sees a lion under a tree. the lion runs at him.
he is afraid and falls into the river. he can’t swim. he shouts.
the rabbit hears him. he jumps into the river. the rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him.
luckily, an elephant comes along. he is very strong. he helps the rabbit and monkey.
three friends are very happy. they go to the elephant’s home. then, three of them become good friends.
关键词 高职英语职业教育特色。高职是以培养职业技能为主要目标的高等职业教育,其目的是为社会各行业输送高等应用型人才。高职英语是高等职业教育的基础性课程,然而,审视当下中国的高职英语教学现状,出现诸多令人尴尬的局面,这些现象应该引起高职院校和高职英语教学研究者的关注。高职英语教学如何开展?这个基本命题...
作者 李志红。世纪之星 交流版 2018年第08期。摘要 为了迎接全球化时代的到来和全球化时代对人才的要求,积极投身于课程改革和课堂教学中,努力创建 和谐 协作 创新 共享 的教研文化,关注学生的发展,追求高效率的英语课堂,在实践中不断提高自己的教学专业水平,强力打造英语教学品牌,取得显著成效。关键...
彰显英语教学特色,打造英语教学品牌。为了迎接全球化时代的到来和全球化时代对人才的要求,积极投身于课程改革和课堂教学中,努力创建 和谐 协作 创新 共享 的教研文化,关注学生的发展,追求高效率的英语课堂,在实践中不断提高自己的教学专业水平,强力打造英语教学品牌,取得显著成效。一 以校本课题研究,带动特...