年三年级英语下册Unit8 1 教学反思苏教牛津版

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2019-2023年三年级英语下册unit 8(1)教学反思苏教牛津版。

第一课时。教学中,我做到了让学生根据情景把单词与对话有机结合起来操练,教学效果很是不错。我首先设问“are you hungry/thirsty?

”引导学生回答出yes, i am./no, i'm not.从而学习part a中"hungry","thirsty"两个生词,再根据学生的回答自然过渡到“whatwouldyoulike?

”,结合partb中的单词与句型有机结合。尽管第一课时中新授单词较多,学生真正熟练掌握起来有着一定的难度,但从孩子们快乐的小脸蛋上我感觉到这节课的成功,取得了预期效果,真正做到了寓教于乐。最后这节课在轻松愉悦的乐曲《hot cross buns》中结束,第二课时。

本单元的日常交际用语主要是围绕“征询意见”编排的,what about …?是表示“……怎么样?”的意思,征求别人意见。

“whatabout”一般都是在一定的情景下才使用这个句子,如果离开了交际情景而直接说what about …?就会显得唐突。教材分别提供了“饿—买热狗”和“渴—买饮料”两个场景供教师教学日常交际用语。

本单元单词教学部分增加了a hot dog, a sandwich, apie, some bread, some rice, soft drinks, a bar of chocolate, a carton of milk教材这样编排便于学生根据情景把单词与对话结合起来操练。




2019-2023年三年级英语下册unit 8(1)教案新世纪版。

教学内容。本课教学内容为unit 8的language lab部分。教学目标。


1. to know the singular and plural of nouns in different sentences.

2. to learn the new sentences: these/ those are…3.

to make sentence according the given patterns.二、发展目标。

1. to drill the new sentences.

2. to make dialogue according the new sentences.三、情感目标。

1. to enable the students can describe some things.2.

to train the capacity of intercourse each other.教学重点。

1. letting the students drill different sentence about“these/those”.2.

knowing the use of plural form in the sentences.教学难点。

1. to contract the use of thepattern” these/ those”in the plural form.2.

to learn how to changing the different form of the sentences.教学过程。


1. warming up: sing a song“shoofly”.2. free talk: ask and answer.

3. review: the use of singular and plural form in different sentences二、授课。

1. show a picture: say as the following patterns:

this is __and that is___these are __and those are___

2. create different scent to practice the drills:1) these aren’tthose aren’t2) are these___are those___yes, they are.

/no, they aren’t.3) what are these / those? they are __三、课后活动。

1. fill the missing letters.

2. colligate these sentences and make dialogues with two new pictures.1) a:

let’s go to our ok.

a: look, these are blackboards. those are maps.

s: what are those?a: they are tables.

s: do you like your classroom?a: yes, i work:

make new dialogues with“our library”.

2) t: welcome to my home. do you like coffee or tea?

s: i like coffee. are these cups?

t: no, they aren’t. these are what are those?

t: they are i like your work:

make new dialogue with“fruit shop / park / shanghai zoo”.四、家庭作业。

1. make four different kinds of sentences with“these”or“those”.2.

make a shortdialogue”in the classroom”at least five sentences.


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