
发布 2021-05-28 21:09:28 阅读 3513

听力部分 (20分)



1. who is the telephone from?

a. li leib. timc. tom.

2. what is the speaker’s phone number?

a. 69998476b. 69998764c. 69998467


3. where does this dialogue happen?

a. in a shopb. in the schoolc. in one’s home.

4. what are they going to do on saturday?

a. to see a filmb. to h**e a picnicc. to swim in a river.

5. what’s the date of the saturday?

a. june 9b. june 29c. january 29.



6. a. chinab. japanc. england

7. a. on november 11b. on december 16c. on november 16

8. a. noodles, chicken and vegetablesb. noodles, chick and soup.

c. noodles, pork and vegetables.

9. a. french b. englishc. japanese

10. no, she couldn’tb. yes, she couldc. we don’t know.

笔试部分 (100分)



11. -excuse me, do you h**e __e-mail address? -yes. it’s

a. ab. anc. thed. /

12. -who is the man on the bike? -oh, he is mr zhang, a friend of __

a. myb. mec. mined. myself

13. you mustn’t cross the road now. the traffic is he**y. a car __hit you.

a. mayb. mustc. cand. need

14. -do you know our new science teacher? -sorry, i don’t know __about him.

a. somethingb. everythingc. nothingd. anything

15. -would you like to go with me to the cinema tonight, bill?

--i’d love to, _i am busy this evening. i will h**e to take care of my sister.

a. andb. soc. butd. or

16. -who plays volleyball __in their school? -i h**e no idea.

i think tom plays as __as jim.

a. best, wellb. best, goodc. better, welld. better, good

17. -where were your parents at 7:00 last monday evening? -they __but i was not at home.

a. watched tvb. were watching tv c. are watching tv d. watching tv

18. -what’s the weather like tomorrow, mabel? i will go to dalian.

--it will be colder tomorrow. so please __a sweater with you.

a. getb. carryc. taked. bring

19. hangzhou is a beautiful city. it’s famous __the west lake.

a. forb. atc. ind. with

20. -what are you going to do next sunday? -if it __we will go for a picnic.

a. won’t rainb. is rainc. doesn’t raind. not rain

21. -does mr smith come to our school ? he wants to help us with our english study.

a. whereb. whyc. whatd. how

22. -let’s h**e a good restno. i don’t want to stop working.

a. shall web. shall ic. will youd. do you

23. -how do you like our maths teacher?

--you __ms li? very much. she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.

a. sayb. meanc. showd. speak

24. -my mobile phone(手机) is 139please __and call me back.

--ok.a. write down it b. write down them c. write them down d. write it down

25. -when shall we visit that farm, annthursday __friday is ok. i am free these two days.

a. neither, norb. either, orc. both, andd. either, nor



it was december 25, 1988. marie smith, a 13-year-old australian girl, was happy. it was 26 and marie’s mother made an unusual cake.

she put small coins (硬币) into 27 . the four small coins were for good 28 .

after dinner marie and her 29 ate the cake. when they 30 the cake, there were three coins on the table. one was 31 .

marie mother’s didn’t notice(注意).

after christmas marie got 32 . she coughed and couldn’t speak. six weeks later, she felt 33 , but she 34 couldn’t speak.

so marie went to the hospital. doctors in the hospital 35 marie. they took an x-ray(x光).

marie’s mother asked the doctors, “why can’t marie 36 ?”the doctors said, “we don’t know. maybe she will speak again.

maybe she won’t. we’re 37 , but we can’t help her.”

for twelve years marie didn’t speak. she 38 and got a job. but he never spoke.

one day when marie was 25 years old, she got ill. she began to cough. she coughed a lot of blood(血).

she also coughed up 39 small and black from her throat. what was it? marie didn’t know.

she took it to the hospital. a doctor said, “this is a coin.”


绝密。姓名总分。戴氏教育华府总校初二升初三水平测试卷。数学。注意事项 1.全卷共100分 考试时间90分钟。2.第 卷为选择题,选择题的答案请写在相应的答题框内,字迹清晰。第 卷为非选择题,答案请写在每一题后的空白处。请使用黑色签字笔或者蓝 黑 港币书写,自己清洗,保持卷面整洁。一 选择题 每题 3...


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