英语4B月考试卷 一

发布 2021-05-28 21:10:28 阅读 9296

小学英语4b 月考试卷 (一)


1. 一位新来的学生2. 她的老师。

3. 那位男孩4. 这位医生。

5. 我的朋友6. 穿着白色的短裙。


9.两个哥哥 __10.在一个聚会上 __

11. in the tree12. excuse me

13. climb one

to our school


)1that man? -he’s mr brown.

a. who’sb. whosec. who

)2are you a doctor? -yes, i am.

a. sorryb. excuse mec. who’s

)3sit on the table, mimi.

a. dob. notc. don’t

)4. -are you a new student

a. yes, i’m not b. no, i’m not. c. yes, you are.

)5. -welcome to our class

a. me, toob. thankc. thank you

)6. -who’s that over there?

---she’s my sister.

a. womanb. manc. helen

)7. let mewow, it’s a nice storybook.

a. lookb. look at c. see

)8. -who’s the boy in brownis ben.

a. hisb. hec. he’s

)9are you? -i’m ten.

a. how old b. how many c. how much

)10. —is that your mother’s bike?

yes, it’s __bike.

a. hisb. he c. her

)11. who’s the man

a. with big ears b. with a big ear c. in big ears

)12. is the girla blue blouse your sister?

a. inb. onc. with

)13the boy __a big nose?

a. whose, with b. who’s, in c. who’s, with

)14. are you a teacher

a. yes, i amb. no, i am. c. yes, i’m not.

)15. it’s nine o’clock. it’s lateschool.

a. tob. forc. with


10分)a. he’s my uncle.

b. is he a doctor?

c. he’s a teacher.

d. excuse me, who’s that man?

e. no, he isn’t.

四、选择am, is或are填空。(10分)

1. hemy father.

2. ita fat cat.

3. ashe mrs white? b: yes, she

jeanstoo long.

5. a: whose jeansthey?

b: theyliu tao’s.

6. a: you a worker (工人)? b: no, i not.

7. ia student.


1. there, who’s, over, boy, that (?

2. new, am, here, i (.

3. is, she, mother, my (.

4. again, don’t, trees, climb (

5. you, a, are, nurse, me. excuse (,


1. a: who is the boy?

bis frank. he’s a学生).

2. ashe?

b: she’s kelly’s aunt.

she’s a老师).

4. a: is she a**)?

b: yes, she is.


1. 那个女孩是你妹妹吗?


2. 妈妈,这是我的朋友。

mum, this is

3. 那个穿红色短裙的妇女是谁?

who’s thein the




tom is my good friend. he is from england. we are twelve, but we are not in the same class.

he is in class 3. i’m in class 5. jim’s sister is not a student.

she is four, she is very lovely. she likes dolls very much .

)1. tom is from

a . chinab. englandc. america

)2. tom is in

a. class 3b. class 1c. class5

)3. how old is tom ?

a. he is four . b. he is twelve . c. he is five .

)4. what does tom’s sister like ?

a. she likes dollsb. she likes cars .

c. she likes puppets .

)5 .is tom’s sister a student?

a. no , he isn’t . b. no, she isn’t . c. .yes , she is.

jimmy is a new student in our school. he is ten. he has a sister mary.

mary is nine . they are in the same(相同的) school, but in different (不同的)classes. jim likes swimming, and his sister likes skating.

jim’s father is a doctor. and his mother is a nurse. they like go fishing.


) 1. jimmy is nine.

) 2. mary likes skating.

) 3. jim and his sister are in the same class.


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