
发布 2021-05-28 20:50:28 阅读 7435




一、 根据所听内容,用阿拉伯数字给下列**编号,听一遍。(5%)




笔试部分 70分。

一、 选出每组中不同类的单词或词组。(5)

)1a .maths b. pec. class

( )2 a. h**e lunch b. h**e breakfast c. this morning

( )3 a .week b .thursday c .friday

( )4 a. skate b swimc .basketball

( )5 a. homework b. fiftyc .eleven


1. a: what can mary see那边)?

b:she can see some __船) on the __河)。

2. _何时) do you吃晚饭) ?

通常) h**e three课) in the下午)。

4什么) under the tree?

can you do? i can踢足球)。


)1. —is the first day of a week.

a.monday b.sunday. c.saturday

) 2. —whatdo you like? —i like english and art.

a . lessons b . subjects c. lesson

) 3. —i __draw the parrot. —it’s too difficult

a . canb . can’t c. don’t

) 4. —i don’t h**e___flowers. —me, too.

a. someb. a c. any

) 5is it today? —it’s monday.

a. what day b. what c. when

) 6. this is a book, and these are___

a. water b. pens c. pencil

) 7. i usually do __homework every day.

a . your b. one’s c. my

) 8. what lessons do you h**e___tuesday?

a. on b. at c. in

) 9. i h**e __art lesson today. it’s fun.

a. a b. an c. this

) 10. _you like pe? no, i

a. do; don’t b. can, can’t c. do; don’t

) 11. —when do you get up every day?

i get up __seven o’clock.

a . at b. in c. on

) 12. look at the beautiful tree. can you draw

a. they b. them c. it

) 13. —it’s time __school.

a. to b. for c. too

)14. —i h**e __lessons __monday morning.

a. some, on b. any, on c . any, in

) 15. —su yang___a big birthday cake.

a like b has c h**e



eight go forty i to at every day(.)

draw in you the bird the tree(?)

3. can a you at school of birds see lot my (.

4. h**e a today match basketball (.

5. h**e english on saturday i some lessons (.


1、he __h**e) an english lesson today.

2. i usually do __i ) homework in the evening.

3. i like __peach ).

4. let’s __go ) and __draw) some pictures.

5. this is the tree and __this ) are the flowers.


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