
发布 2021-05-28 20:55:28 阅读 1066


一. 按要求写单词。(20分)

1. child (复数2. mouse (复数。

3. make (现在分词4. run (现在分词。

5. soft (反义词6. happy (反义词。

(近义词8. see (近义词。

9. lemon (同类词10. i (同音词。


)1. 班级 a. glass b. flower c. class

)2. 最喜欢的 a. like b. f**ourite c. h**e

)3. 厚的 a. thick b. thin c. thing

)4. 在旁边 a. behind b. beside c. under

)5. 盲的 a. blunt b. blind c. blue

)6. 厨房 a. children b. kitchen c. basket

)7. 鼓a. guitar b. piano c. drum

)8. 刨 a. big b. mop c. dig

)9. 那些 a. those b. these c. this

)10. 颜料 a. brush b. crayon c. paint

三, 选择填空。(20分)

) 1. _the apple. it’s sweet. a. touch b. smell c. taste

( )2. eddie can play __guitar. but he can’t play __football.

a. the…the b. /the c. the…/

( )3. my mother can __listen, she’s __

a. sing…sing b. singing…singing c. sing…singing

( )4. ben, put the tail __the donkey. a. in b. at c. on

( )5. _pens are these? they’re ben’ c. what

( )6. look at the rabbit. _ears are long. a. its b. their c. it’s

( )7. what __the girl __she’s dancing.

a. is…doing b. is…do c. can…do

) 8. how many __h**e pets?a. teachers teacherc. the teacher

) 9. _is the biscuit? it’s a ********.

a. what shape b. where c. what colour

) 10. the cat __a long tail. a. is b. has c. h**e

四。 情景交际。选择最佳答案。(10分)

1. 你找不到书包了,你想问妈妈书包在**,应该说:

a. where are they? b. where is my bag?

2. 别人向你道歉时,你原谅他应该说:

a. that’s all rightb. you are very good.

3. 当你给你的朋友过生日时,你应该说:

a. how are youb. happy birthday!

4. 当你想知道彼得在**时,你应该问:

a.where is peter? b. what is peter doing?

5. 当你收到礼物时,你应该说:

a. here you areb. thank you.


1. don’t __walk) on the grass.

2. this hamburger __be) nice.

3. he can __run) very fast.

4. be quiet! my baby sistersleep) now.

5. kitty likesswim) very much.

6. alice __h**e) a yellow bicycle.

7. _this) are old crayons.

六。 按要求改写句子.(10分)

1. the big ball is green.(对划线部分提问is the big ball?

2. i’ve got a little dog.(改成一般疑问句got a little dog?

3. they’re painting.(对划线部分提问are they __

4. this is a felt pen.(改写成复数句felt pens.

5. open the door. ***否定句the door.

七。 阅读短文,判断对(t)错(f)。(10分)

my name is betty. i’m nine. i’m short and thin.

my father is a policeman. he is br**e. he can dive and jump.

my mother is a teacher. she is beautiful. she can paint and sing.

we h**e a white dog. its name’s sam. it’s two.

look, it’s eating a bone. we love sam very much.

) 1. betty’s father is a teacher. (2. betty is ten.

) 3. the dog is white4. betty’s mother can sing.

) 5. the dog doesn’t like bones.


name笔试部分 70 一 判别下列每组单词划线的字母发音是否一样,相同打s,不同打d。8 1.woman what2.zebra nose 3.coat jacket4.driver tree 5.think there6.man banana 7.job clock8.driver write ...


4b英语期中复习。name1 单词互译。2.紫色的 3.再,又。4.科学。5.休息。6.草莓。7.课程表。8.使人愉悦的。9.关于。10.停下。2 翻译词组。1.在中午。2.落下。3.散步。4.在。后面走。5.弹钢琴。6.拉小提琴。7.在家。8.一个篮球俱乐部。9.踢足球。10.在下午。bag of...


4b期中阶段性检测。班级姓名学号 得分 听力部分 30分 一 根据所听内容,用阿拉伯数字给下列 编号,听一遍。5 二 听句子,将所听到的单词的序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。10 三 判断句子与所听内容是否相同,相同的打 不同的打 听一遍。5 四 根据所听内容,选择正确的答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,...