
发布 2021-05-08 17:11:28 阅读 7604


unit 1 can you play the guitar ?

candance ).

can play chess .

疑问句you __chess ?


否定句:ichess .

3. —let’s打篮球)

that sounds boring . i want to拉小提琴).

4 .my father wantsbuy) a piano for my birthday .

5 .what do you often do在周末 )?

6. tony can play the guitar , and he plays it好).

7. does your brother likedraw)?

8. mother often给我讲故事)

9. i want to和……交朋友) an english boy .

10. it is relaxing at thestudent) sports center .

li is friendly and she与……相处好)her friends


13. i can play soccer , too .(变否定句)

iplay soccer

14. i can play soccer , too .(同义句)

i canplay soccer .

15. pleasemrs miller555-1234 .(拨打…的**号码)

16. they can play the drums (提问)

they do ?

unit 2 what time do you go to school ?

usually get up at six . 提问)

usually get up ?

takes a walk .

一般疑问句marya walk ?

回答:yes , sheno , she

否定句: marya walk .

3. he usually exercises on weekends . 提问)

he usuallyon weekends ?

4. scoot has an interesting职业).

5. don’t迟到) school again .

can come either today or tomorrow .

7. either you or hego) to see him .

8. junk food对……没有好处) our health ,but it tastes good .

i到家) ,i always do my homework first .

10. at twelve, she eats许多)fruit and vegetables for lunch .

unit 3 how do you get to school ?

1. he takes the bus to school .

变一般疑问句:__he __the bus to school ?


变否定句:hethe bus to school .

2. i ride my bike to get to school .(对划线部分提问)

get to school ?

3. i walk to school . 同义句)

i __to school

4. i ride my bike to get to school . 同义句)

i get to school

5. it takes me about 15 minutesget) to school .

6 . it takes me about 15 minutes to get to school . 对划线部分提问).

to get to school ?

7. it is about two kilometers from home to school . 对划线部分提问).

from home to school?

8. there are二百) students on the playground .

are成百上千) people in the park .

10. what do you think of the story book ? 同义句)

the story book ?

11. i think the story book is very interesting . 对划线部分提问)

the story book ?

is easy for melearn) math well . 学好数学对我来说是容易的。

13 .there is a big rivertheir schoolthe village . 在……之间)

14. my math teacher像……一样)a father to me .

15. liangliang is an十一岁的) boy .

16其中的很多村民) never le**e the village .

17 .my dream will实现) .

18谢谢) your last e-mail .

unit 4 don’t eat in class

1. don’t迟到) class .

2. he must do his homework after school .

变一般疑问句:__he __my homework after school?


变否定句:ihis homework after school .

3. we h**e to be quiet in the library .

变一般疑问句:__you __to be quiet in the library?


变否定句:webe quiet in the library .

4. he has to clean his room every day .

变一般疑问句:__he___to clean his room every day ?


变否定句:heto clean his room every day.

5. d**e must help his mom做早饭 ).


学科 英语年级 七主备教师 审核教师 备课时间 2013 2 27授课时间 2013 3 1导学课题unit 1 e pals lesson one 能够熟练掌握本课的短语及句式,能运用其谈。学习重点论自己的笔友并能够听懂相关的表达。学生1.观察page2partb中的句子的构成。课下2.掌握下列短...


英语教学案例。一个学生给的启发。一 案例背景。八年级下学期的英语容量大,题的难度也有所提升。又是新学期开始,老师和学生都还没有进入状态。今天我们学习unit 2 what should i do?都感到无从下手,心中很乱。二 案例描述。上课铃声响起,我走进教室。当大家起立问好时,李磊还在扭头跟后面的...


摘要 运用交际手段,培养学生的能力。绝大部分学生主要是在课堂上学习英语,而在现实生活中缺少语言交际的环境和场所。从语言学角度来看,语言是人与人之间最常用 最有效 最重要的一种交际工具。交际能力是指在真实的情景中运用语言进行听说读写 交流信息和思想感情的能力。在教学中我努力创设和提供情景操练的机会,尽...