
发布 2021-04-17 09:12:28 阅读 8623



t:good morning everyone! s:good morning teacher.

(2)t:do you know what to do in this lesson?

s:tell a story.

t:yes,but before that i want to ask a question‘which animal is the most cunning in the forest’?

s:it’s fox.

t:you’re right!so let’s begin the story,are you ready? s:yes.


t:the story is name “the fox and the goat”,who knows its meaning?


t:you’re so clever,so it’s a story between the fox and the goat.

the teacher speak the beginning of the story:a fox was fell into the well,he can’t get out due to the smooth a goat came alone and ask the fox‘what are you doing’.

the story will speak stop here for a moment,the teacher will ask two could the fox get out? you guess what the fox will answer to him?

after asking the two questions,let the student take it keep on listening and reading.


t:now,the fox saw his chance to he asked mysteriously...

after present a situation of the story,the teacher will say:“the fox is telling a lie and cheat the goat jump into well...

t:let’s think about it!the first questions is what the fox said is true?

s:..t:the second is the goat jump into the well without think twice,how do you think about it?

s:..t:through that,we know a truth:we can’t believe others easily



t:let’s get to the story goat was jumping into the well and begin to drink...so everybody the fox is so cunning,he must h**e an idea to get out the well,..



t:the fox...借助山羊终于爬出了水井),do you know how the goat get out?

s:..t:the fox...狐狸不信守承诺,自己走了留下山羊在水井里)。are you so surprised about this?


t:the story is end,你们看完故事后有什么感想吗?

s:..t:all of you said is right,this story is telling a truth:

look before you leap,who knows the meaning?


t:please read after me:look before you leap 三思而后行。

s:look before you leap 三思而后行。

and consolidated:





goat find fox(发现)

fox bring goat to the lure(引诱下井)

goat jump to well(跳井)

to climb?

fox make a solution(解决办法)

goat help fox

fox escape(逃跑)


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