
发布 2020-11-26 01:10:28 阅读 6545


本课是闽教版《英语》三年级上册第六单元的part a部分,本课的话题为颜色。通过学习四种颜色:red ,yellow,green,blue.


语言知识目标 :

1.词汇:red ,yellow, green, blue

2.句型:stop!the light is red. the light is green. let’ go.




1. greetings.


2. sing a song.

t: boys and girls ,do you know what is this song about?

ss: colors.


1. 揭示课题 unit6 colors part a


t:look ,we’ll see two pictures, the first one has no color. then , it is so beautiful.

the trees are green. the sky is blue. the flowers are red.

the house is yellow. this picture has many colors. so today we’ll talk about colors.

unit 6 colors part a.

2.由自己的衣服颜色导入,再拓展到wang tao等几个好朋友的衣服,从而介绍评价方式,wang tao,lily,sally,hu ping穿过马路,最先回到家的人获胜。

t: we can see colors everywhere in our life. look, my dress is yellow.

today your friends come to our classroom. who?

ss: wang tao, lily, sally, hu ping.

t: look at wang tao’s t-shirt, it’s blue.

t: sally’s dress is red. hu ping’s clothes are green. lily’s skirt is yellow.

now class is over. they will cross the street and go home. they will stand for you.

wang tao stand for group 1. sally stand for group 2. hu ping stand for group 3.

lily stand for group 4. let’s see which group can get home first. understand ?

are you ready?

boys and girls , on the road , there are many cars, buses. it’s dangerous. you should look at the light.




1.教学单词:blue ,red, yellow,green

(1) blue

t:look at the blackboard. what color is the car? blue.

what’s this? ss:fish.

t::what color is it? t:blue.


blue blue ue/u:/ blue 看手指方向用不同声调来操练,分组操练,个别纠音板书blue

学习句型the fish is blue. 用教案呈现蓝色的大海,蓝色的天空,look ,the sea is __the sky is __呈现不同蓝色的物品。

(2) red

t:look , the fish has many colors, this is blue , and other one (出示红色小鱼**)

what color is it? ss:红色。t:red.

t:(出示单词卡red) e/e/ red/ red/ red red

t: look at the cards, red, red, red, when you see “红色”,you say it loudly.

t: now, i need little teachers. who can say it ?

can you spell it ? 板书red)

学习句子the fish is red. 呈现不同红色物品让学生感受。the __is red.再让学生造句,引出the apple is red.

( 3)由红苹果引绿苹果,来引出green.

t:look at this apple, what color is it ?

ss: green.

t:yes, it’s green. ee/i:/ green/ gri:n/ green green

say it by different group. g1, g2, g3, g4.

boys say, girls say. who can be a little teacher.

(板书 green)


the apple is green. the banana is green.


t: when the banana turn to be yellow, that will be delicious. right?


ye /ji/ llow/lo/ yellow yellow

boys and girls say it together. let’s play “一触即发”

who can say it? boys pk girls.

t: i h**e some things. look, the car is yellow.

the fish is yellow. the pencil-case is yellow. the bird is yellow.

…can you make sentences?

s1: the apple is yellow.

s2: the book is yellow.

s3: the bag is yellow.

s4: the t-shirt is yellow.


t: good , boys and girls , we h**e learned four colors . let’s say it together.

ss: blue, red, green, yellow.

t: then let’s play games. do you want to play games?


t:look and say. if you can say it,you can stand up and say it loudly.

game2:guessing game.猜愤怒小鸟的颜色。

t:play a guessing game. look they are angry birds.

they h**e no colors. can you guess?

game 3:say the colors.根据规律说颜色。

t:according to the rules ,say the colors quickly, ok?

game 4: listen and choose. 听音选物。

t: look, there are many things on my desk. let’s play a game.

listen and choose. (让学生上台听音,选刚才展示各种不同颜色的物品) we choose two students to h**e a race. others are little teachers, you can say one color.

let’s see who can choose correctly and quickly.

game 5 :use the colors to talk about our classroom or some other things in your life.让学生用英语颜色来表达生活中的物品。

t: for example, the ruler is yellow. the book is red.


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