
发布 2020-11-03 12:26:28 阅读 8603


八年级英语下册unit 5 if you go to the party, you will h**e a great time!



本单元以“ifyoudo,you'll...为话题展开教学活动,突出运用if 引导的条件状语从句,通过多**课件,围绕party展开话题。形象生动的多**画面,富于情境的交际话题,更加贴近学生生活,符合学生的认知能力,以便提高他们学习英语的兴趣和积极参与英语课堂活动的能力。


new words and phrases:

organize i’ll =i will you’ll=you will h**e a great time go to the party be going to do sth. stay at home help sb do sth. play games

target languages:

if you do, you’ll…..what will happen if ….

i think i’m going to the party with karen and ann.

if you do, you’ll h**e a great time.

if we h**e it today, half the students won’t come.

i think i’ll ride my bike.

teaching aids: a tape recorder, computer (ppt.),teaching pictures, several cards, a small blackboard


a. in this period, students will learn to talk about consequences and grasp if clause.

b. students will brainstorm words and improve listening and speaking.


a. master if clause and key structure: if you do, you’ll…

b. students try to make correct conversations using the target language and finish listening exercise.


the first period section a 1a - 2c


the first period

step 1 warming up and leading in

1. enjoy an english song: if you are happy. you can learn to sing.

2. ask some questions and talk with partners.

if you are happy, what will you do? if you become sad, what will you do?

what will happen if you do too much homework?

step 2 presentation

1.show some pictures to present new structures, adding more words.

if it is sunny this sunday, i’ll go fishing .

ask several students some questions. then practice with the students.

what will you do if it is rainy? what will do if you don’t pass the exam?

if you h**e free time, what will you do?

what will you do if you h**e much money?

2.according to the pictures, try to finish sentences like (1).

1) .i think i’m going to stay at home. if you do, you’ll be bored.

2) .i think i’m going to work until night

3) .i think i’m going to exercise

4).if you go to the party

5).if you watch tv every night

3.practice in pairs and act out.

a: what are you going to do ..b: i think i’m going to….

a: if you do, you’ll be …

step3 practice

1. show the pictures of sectiona1,ask the students to predict the consequences. talk about the pictures.

then match the statements

with responses.

2. listen to part 1b, 2a and 2b and complete listening exercise. play the tape and then check the answers.

3. look at the chart in 2b, make dialogues with your partners.

step 5 summary

summarize about if clause, and try to give us more examples. if



1) the students will go to the summer palace if itnot rain) tomorrow.

2) if hewalk) to school, he’ll be late.

3) if she likes it, sheread) it soon.

4) if you play computer games on weekdays, yoube) tired.

5) if you __work) hard, your dream will come true.

6) if she __study) hard, she will go to beijing university.

7) if it __rainy)tomorrow, i will play the piano.

8) if i __h**e) much money in the future, i will tr**el all over the world.

2. 选择正确的词。

1) what___would/will)happeniftheymissthebus.

2) ifwewatch**ideo, iwillbe___boring/bored).

3) ifweh**ethepartytoday,halfclass/theclass)won’tcome.

4) ifhe___go/goes/willgo)toschool,he___is/willbe)happy.

3. 完成句子。

1) ifyougototheparty,you会玩得很开心)




1. read the conversation and make up 8 sentences by using “if”.

2. if you go to the party, what will happen? if you don’t go to the party,what will happen?

please write a letter to jenny.

10. 附录(教学资料及资源)

配套练习, 英语周报(english weekly),集优方案,ppt



语文八年级下册第五单元 教案

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