
发布 2020-10-14 01:27:28 阅读 7167

book 5 unit 4when is easter

一 、知识点归纳。

词汇。dec. december (十二月first (第一)

jan. january (一月) wintersecond (第二)

feb. february ( 二月third (第三)

mar. march ( 三月fourth (第四)

apr. april ( 四月) springfifth (第五)

may (五月eighth (第八)

june (六月ninth (第九)

july (七月) summertwelfth (第十)

aug. august ( 八月twentieth (第二十)

sept. september (九月)

oct. october ( 十月) fall

nov. november(十一月。

三会单词 chart 图表 cousin 堂(表)兄弟/姐妹 send 发送, e-card 电子卡片。

able 能 everyone 每个人then 那么。


1 问时间。

——when is your birthday ? 你的生日是什么时候?

— my birthday is in june . 我的生日在六月。

② —is her birthday in july ? 她的生日是在七月吗?

yes , it is是的。 (注:月份前面用in )

2 询问日期。

——what’s the date today/what date is it today ? 今天几号?)

—— it’s june 1st今天六月一号)

区分:——what day is it today ?(今天星期几?)

—— it’s sunday今天星期天。)


1 名词后加’s ,如john’s , your father’s 2 以s 结尾的名词加’ ,如 the twins’


national day 国庆节 children’s day 儿童节 women’s day 妇女节

teachers’ day 教师节 army day 建军节 new year’s day 新年。


1、let's find out.找出不同类的单词。(8分)

2.( a. monday b. novermber c.

3.( a. twelfth b. twentieth c.

4.( a. birthday b. children’s day c. national day day

5.( b. summer c.

6.( b. tuesday c. army day

7.( brother c.

8.( a. the first b. the eighth c. the twelfth

二、look and write.写出下列单词的缩写。(12分)

1. november2. august

3. september4. first

5. twelfth6. third

三、choose the right answers.选择填空。(10分)

)1. my birthday at b. in c. on d. of

)2is the first month of a year.

a. february b. december c. october d. january

)3is children's day?

a. when b. what d. why

( )4. —what's the date?

a. in july b. april 4th c. march d. 9th

)5. —is your birthday in june?

a. yes, it is. b. yes, it isn't. c. no, it isn't. d. no, it is.

) 6. —how old are you?

i'ma. first b. twelve c. second d. fifth

)7. —when is your birthday?

it's in

a. third b. january c. 20thd. 8:30

) your birthday?

a. am b. isc. ared. be

) birthday is in july. aunt mary's birthday is in july

a. either b. toc. tood. two

)10.——when is national day?

a. it's september 10thb. it's march 12th.

c. it's december 25thd. it's october 1st.

4、let’s arrange. 连词成句。 (10分)

1. your when is birthday (?

2. birthday june in her is (.

3. what date the is (?


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