
发布 2020-10-15 12:01:28 阅读 7641



draw pictures(画画) cook dinner(做饭read a book(看书answer the phone(接**)listen to music9(听**) clean the room(打扫房间) write a letter(写信) write an e-mail(写电子邮件) mom(妈妈grandpa(爷爷;外公) study(书房)


is zhang peng.(这是张鹏。)

2.--what are you doing? (你正在做什么?)

--i’m doing the dishes. (我正在洗碗碟。)

--i’m reading a book.(我正在看书。)

is writing a letter.(爷爷正在写信。)

is doing homework.(弟弟、哥哥正在做作业。)

5 mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. (妈妈正在厨房里做饭。)

6 he’s writing an e-mail in the study.(他正在书房里写电子邮件。)


you doing? 这里的be动词根据后面的人称而变化。

what (is) he/she/it/mon/dad/ sister…doing?(第三人称单数的时候用)

what (are)you/your parents/ they…doing? (you以及复数形式的时候用are)

回答时候也一样。 (注意am are is 的运用)

例:i listening to music. they/we/my parents climbing mountains.

mom/dad cooking dinner. sister/brother eating an ice-cream.

2.在接到**的时候,说“我是谁…”的时候说 this is…或者it’s…

例如: -hello.

---hello. this is chen jie.或者说 it’s chen jie.

am=i’m 注意读音。he is=he’s / she is =she’s / they are=they’re

am talking you.我正在和你说话。和谁说话用”to”

you want to go to the children’s center?儿童中心。

例: i want to go to the __center. a. childrens’ [c. children

is writing an e-mail.他正在写电子邮件。[,b a e-mail

前面用an的单词有:an apple /an elephant/ an ice-cream…

7.朋友打**约你去儿童中心,你想知道几点,要说___what time?

hold on.请别挂**。hold on…打**时表示别挂**。/等一下。

i speak your mom, please? 请问,我可以和你的妈妈说话吗?

there is a call you. 妈妈,你的**。这里用“for”


小练习: ) 1. what __you doing?

a. isb. are c. do

) 2.--what is your father doing

a. he is cooking dinner. b. she is reading. c. i’m drawing.

) 3. amy ismusic now.

a. listeningb. listening to c. listen

) 4. i am talking __you.

a. forb. to c. on

) 5. can i speak __your mom?

a. at b. for c. to

) 6. -what is john doing? -he __cleaning the room.

a. isb. are c. am

) 7. he is sending __e-mail to his friend.

a. abc. an

) 8. she __doing the dishes. i __doing the dishes,too.

a. is, is b. is, am c. are, is

) 9. amy __pictures now.

a. is drawing b .draws c. draw

)10.--ok. see you later

a. c. thank you


unit 4 reading is fun 词组 1.picture books图画书。there在那边。over here在这边。3.pictures of different places in china 中国各地的 4.stories fo children 儿童故事。5.read a st...


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