
发布 2020-09-24 22:33:28 阅读 3940



)4. )5. 二.判断下面每组单词划线部分发音是“ t”否“f”相同。

we ( 2. he she ( me (

4. bed let() be()

三、选择最佳答案,并将序号填在题前括号内。( 1. _like some vegetables.

a. i had b. i’d c. he( )2. help___

a. your b. you c. yourself( )3. mom: everything is ready.

amya. thanks,mom. b. welcome c. oh,no!( 4. -can i h**e some rice ,please?

a. sure,here you are b. thank you c.


)5.妈妈问你午饭想吃什么,她该怎么问?( 8.

在饭桌上,你让别人随便吃,应该怎么a. what would you like for lunch?b.

what’s for dinner?

c. what would you like for breakfast?( 6.

爸爸问麦克晚饭想吃什么,麦克告诉他想吃牛肉和面条,他该怎么说?a. i’d like some beef and where’s my dinner?

c. what would you like for dinner?( 7.爸爸把晚饭做好了,你和妈妈很高兴,你们该怎么对爸爸说:

说:a. help yourself. b. let me show you. welcome.

)9. -john:i can use chopsticks.

-miketry. try.(



-amya. good afternoon b. good morning c.

good night.

四、选择正确答语,将序号填入题前括号里。2would you like?( 1. can you use the chopsticks?

)2. what would you like for dinner?( 4.

can i help you ?(5. dinner’s ready?

a. yes,pass me a spoon, yes ,i thanks.

d. i’d like some beef,rice and soup.五。

看每个句子的回答,选词填空。how what who where when1is the boy?

- he is my brother, oliver.

-i’d like some chicken.

3old are you?–-i’m 10 years old.4is the english book?

--it’s in the desk.5.--do you get up ?

六.用所给词的适当形式填空。1、what would you like for dinner?some fish and __beef).

2、youcanh**e___noodle)forlunch3、i’d like some __bread). ok! hereyou are.

4. would you like some __milk)?5、dinner __is/has) ready.七、连词成句,并写出汉语意思。1




4、ready ,is ,dinner .

八、给下列句子排序。( thank you very much.

)would you like some chicken?( no, can use chopsticks.

)dinner’s ready!help yourself.

)would you like a knife and fork?( yes,please.

九、读短文,判断句子,正确的写“t", 否则写”f"。


zoom:i'd like some fish and soup.

zip: chicken?

zoom:i'' i h**e some noodles?

zip:sorry. we h**e no noodles now, the fishis eight yuan, fish and soup are thirteen

yuan,thebeefis tenyuan,chickenis,'s the bill(帐单)。(likes fish.( likes beef .

) soup is four yuan( )chicken is ten yuan.( bill is thirty-three yuan.


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