
发布 2020-08-23 08:48:28 阅读 2406

第六讲 review and check



1. 让学生重点复习第一至第三单元所涉及的语言项目。

2. 让学生通过复习,掌握第一至第三单元的四会单词、词组和句型。


1. 重点词汇:

unit 1

four years old四岁a lot of questions许多问题。

public signs公共标志in the park在公园里。

ask sb. about sth. 问某人关于某事 stay away from远离。

mean different things表示不同的意思 at home在家。

on the wall在墙上on the grass在草地上。

walk on the grass走在草地上the bird’s cage鸟笼。

make noise 发出(喧闹)声音take a walk散步。

no smoking禁止吸烟no littering禁止乱丢杂物。

no parking禁止停车do not touch禁止触摸。

keep off the grass远离草地be quiet保持安静。

come up 上来ten-yuan note一张十元的纸币。

look around环顾point to指着;指着。

a park keeper一个公园看守人

unit 2

ben’s birthday本的生日birthday present生日礼物。

go home回家birthday party生日聚会。

after school放学后a big birthday cake一个大的生日蛋糕。

talk about谈论take off脱下。

the 16th of october 10月16日 sing the song唱歌。

would like to do sth. 想要做某事blow out吹灭。

a vcd of japanese cartoons一张日本**片的vcd

unit 3

sports day体育运动日look for寻找。

watch the running race**一场跑步比赛 help her帮助她。

take some photos拍照let me see让我想想。

a moment ago片刻之前a mobile phone一部手机。

just now 刚才a pair of glasses一副眼镜。

on the ground在地上a cd walkman一个光盘随身听

pick up拾起a roll of film一卷胶卷

2. 重点句型:-what does it /this /that mean?

it / this / that means you should …

when is your birthday? -my birthday is on…

what would you like as a birthday present? -i’d like …

where is / are my / your …?

it is / they are on / in / near / behind /under the …

it isn’t there now. /they aren’t there now.

it was there a moment ago. /they were there a moment ago.

3. 重点语法:(1)英语中忠告、建议和禁止的表达法。



4. 特别要注意的内容:


(2)情态动词must , can , should , may , shall , would 的用法。




) it is myday in england.

a. one b. first c. the first d. the one



) the twentieth-first of march is his birthday.

ab c d

答案:a; 将twentieth-first改为twenty-first;




1. 散步2. 在四月一日。

3. 非常兴奋4. 第二个星期。

5. 片刻前6. 禁止拍照。

7. come up8. stay away from the building __

9. mean different things10. look around


1. photo(复数2. they(宾格。

3. twenty(序数词4. twelfth(基数词)__

5. no(同音词6. quick(副词。

7. thirty(序数词8. i’d (完整形式。


) 1. may 21st reads

a. may twenty-oneb. the may twenty-first

c. may the twenty-first

) 2. “keep quiet” means we __make noise here.

a. canb. shouldn’t c. must

) 3. jim and ben areabout ben’s birthday.

a. talking b. saying c. speaking

) 4. the camera isn’t in my pocket. it___there a moment ago.

a. beb. wasc. is

) 5. -how old are you, tom

a. fine, thank you. b. i’m nine. c. it’s nine.

) 6. -what would you like

a. i like drinking. b. i don’t like tea. c. some juice.

) 7. -when’s your birthday, liu tao

a. of january. b. on january. c. in january.

) 8. -where are my shoes?


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