
发布 2023-02-12 13:07:28 阅读 8519


n**igation edu's lectures for grade six


lesson eight 句子的类型(1)




part one)

be 动词 :am /is---was、 are---were

情态动词:can、 may、 must、 could 、 would 、 should、will、need

助动词: do 、 does 、 did



am---are you , my---your , some---any

am planting trees around my house.

→are you planting trees around your house? yes, i am.\no, i am not.

2. the library is in front of the school.

→ is the library in front of the school? yes, it is.\no, it isn't.

is a dinosaur show in the museum today.

→is there a dinosaur show in the museum today?

yes,there is.\no, there isn't.

can go to the station by bus.

→can i go to the station by bus? yes, i can.\no, i can't.

must finish my homework now.

→must you finish your homework now? yes, i must.\ no,i needn't.

would like to go shopping with you.

→would you like to go shopping with me?

yes, i would love\like to.\sorry, i am busy. i h**e so many things to do.

am going to visit my grandparents this sunday.

→are you going to visit your grandparents this sunday?

h**e a pen pal.→do you h**e a pen pal? yes,i do.\ no, i don't.

likes ****** planes.→does he like ****** planes?

yes, he does.\no,he doesn't.

wang taught me english last term.

did mr wang teach you english last term? yes, he did.\no,he didn't.

由must构成的一般疑问句,否定回答用 needn't 而不是mustn't. needn't表示不必;mustn't 表示不准;禁止。

mustn't play football in the street. 你不准在街上踢足球。

you needn't write your homework now.你不必现在写作业。



can sweep the floor. (改为一般疑问句)

am buying some books . 改为一般疑问句)

does exercises every morning. (改为一般疑问句)

often do sports on the weekend . 改为一般疑问句)

did some dishes last night .(改为一般疑问句)

2. we can sing and dance.(改成一般疑问句)



will not---won't


mother is a nurse.→her mother is not a nurse.

are some boy students in the playground.

→there aren't any boy students in the playground.

has some sisters and brothers.

→alice doesn't h**e any sisters of brothers.

1. jim can sweep the floor . 改为否定句)

2. there were some birds in the tree. (改为否定句)

do homework after school.(改为否定句)

4. lucy does morning exercises every day.(改为否定句)

did his homework yesterday.(改为否定句)

iu tao does his homework every day.(改成否定句)

祈使句的肯定形式:以动词原形开头,表示命令、警告、征求意见、请求、要求等等意思。(1)look at the blackboard .

2) open the door ,please .


(1)don't worry2) don't open the door.

(3)no smoking in public. no parking here.


动词原形移句首;后面部分跟着来;标点符号不能漏。 mustn't park your car here.

don't park your car here.

in bed .(改为否定句。

mustn't play at the crossing road .(变成祈使句)

can't open the window.(变成祈使句)

shouldn't put the rubbish here.

the internet for a long time.(变为否定句)

children don't pick flowers in the park.(变成祈使句)

part three)

most english people h**e three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. their family name comes last.

for example, my full name is jim allan green. green is my family name .my parents g**e me both of my other names.


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