
发布 2020-08-23 07:32:28 阅读 5709

unit 6 how do you feel?

课时1let's try & let's talk

教学目标:1.能够掌握句子“they are afraid of him. the cat is angry with them.”并能在实际情景中熟练运用。

2.能听、说、认、读单词“chase, mice, bad, hurt”。

3.能够独立完成“let's try”部分的练习。

4.能以正确的语音语调表演“let's talk”部分。


教学重点:掌握四会句子“they are afraid of him. the cat is angry with them.”。



教学过程:step 1: warm-up

**本单元的歌曲,“if you are happy, clap your hands”可向学生解释歌词的大概意思,可重点解释“happy, angry”的含义,并让学生边听边做出与歌词相应的动作。

step 2: presentation

1.老师介绍背景:it's cold outside, sam is talking with sarah.

提出问题让学生思考:where are they? what will they do?


2.由“let's try”部分了解到“sam and sarah will watch films.”让我们一起看看“what films will they see?”

3.老师展示“let s talk”部分挂图,展示sarah拿出的**,并提问,让学生讨论:

what’s the film about? what does the cat do?

并引入let's talk话题。

t: the film is about a cat. the cat is a police officer.

4.出示更多关于“the police officer—cat”的**,并展示猫捉老鼠的**。

look! the cat is chasing the mice.(解释““chase, mice”的含义)

t: are the mice afraid? ss: yes, they are. t:they are afraid of the cat.

边做表情,边解释afraid的含义。并引导学生用be afraid of来造句。

5.教师做出发怒生气的表情,t:how do i feel? ss: you are angry.

解释“angry”,并出示“猫和老鼠生气”的**,t:the cat is angry with them.可替换关键词操练此句型。

6.**“let's talk”部分的录音,让学生边听边理解,画出对话中不理解的信息,并提出问题让学生思考:why is the cat angry with the mice?

step 3:consolidation and extension

1.出示58页下面的**,t:how do you feel?

ss:i'm afraid of him./i'm angry with him.

/i'm happy.。

2.戴上人物头饰,表演“let’s talk”部分的对话,比一比哪个小组表演得最好。


1)how b he feel?

does c. are

2)they are afraid c him.

of3)the cat is angry a them.

a. with b. ofc. at

step 4: homework

将“let's talk”部分的对话以正确的语音语调朗读给父母听。

板书设计:unit 6 how do you feel?

part a: let's try & let's talk

afraid angry chase mice bad hurt

they're afraid of him.

the cat is angry with them.

教学反思:本课时以对话为主,旨在提高学生口语交际能力,让学生能在日常对话中灵活运用所学句型表达自己的情感。教师由“let's try”自然导入“let's talk,以猫的形象抓住学生的眼球,引入重点句型和难点单词,既吸引了学生的兴趣,又活跃了课堂的气氛,让学生在轻松愉快的环境中学习和操练重点句型。


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