
发布 2020-08-10 17:45:28 阅读 7820


六年级英语上册人教pep版unit 1 how can i get there_单元测试(答案)

unit1 how can i get there? 测评卷。



)1. a. turn b. then c .tour

)2. a. here b. there c. where

)3. a. left b. right c. straight

)4. a. near b. next c. text

)5. a. science museum b. museum shop c. post office



)1. a. yes, she is. b. yes, it is. c. no, there isn't.

)2. a. i like the cinema. b. it's next to the park.

c. yes, there is a new cinema.

)3. a. this is a science shop. b. he went to the science museum.

c. he wants to go to the museum shop.

)4. a. my school is very big. b. no, it's very near here.

it's not far from here.

)5. a. i'm hungry now. b. thank you very much

c. turn right, then go straight.


)1. there is a park next to tom's school.

)2. from tom's home, he can see the park and his school building.

)3. there is an italian restaurant in tom's school.

)4. the park is between the italian restaurant and the bookstore.

)5. the post office is in the park.



)1. a. ask b. help c. film

)2. a. pizza b. get c. follow

)3. a. behind b. near c. restaurant

)4. a. park b. right c. cinema

)5. a. great b. get c. eat


)1. i want to go to an italian to eat some pizza.

a. cinema b. library c. restaurant

)2. let's to the cinema.

goesc .going

)3. turn left the zoo, and then go .

a. in, right b. at;straight c .for; straight

)4. -excuse me, where is the bookstore?

-it's the cinema.

a. near to b. behind c. next

)5. -is there a science museum near your home?

a. yes, there isn't. b. yes, there is. c. no, there is.


we feel terrible, we should go to the

2. there is a smallnear my school.

3. turn and you can see a zoo.

4. i often go to the to see movies.

5. let's start from the


a. you may ask that policeman.

b. turn left here, and then you can see it.

c. where is the bookstore?

d. is it far from here?

e. thank you very much.

a: excuse me. 1.

b: sorry, i don't know. 2.

a: excuse me. how can i get to the bookstore?

c:3. a:4.

c: no, it's not far.

a:5. c: you are welcome.


i'm mary. i usually go to the park and play football with my friends on sundays. sometimes i go to the library and read some books.

the library is not far from my home. i usually walk there. first, go straight.

then turn right. the library is on the left. there is also a new cinema near my home.

it's very big. we can see movies in it.

)1. mary usually goes to the zoo on sundays.

)2. mary sometimes goes to the library to read books.

)3. the library is near mary's home.

)4. turn left first, then go straight, and mary can get to the library.

)5. the cinema near mary's home is new and big.






听力材料。1. left at the zoo.

2. where is the post office?

3. go straight and you can see the park.

4. my school is near the museum .

is a science museum in my city.

二。 straight and you can see the bookstore.

2. turn right at the museum.


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