
发布 2020-08-20 03:39:28 阅读 4358


unit 2 last weekendpart b第三课时read and write


hotel, fixed ,broken, lamp, loud, enjoy, stay.2.能完成read and write的理解和练习题。

教学重点:理解read and write。


教学过程:step 1: warm up

1. go over the old words:全班抽读单词或词组had, slept, read, saw, last, yesterday, before, had a cold.

2. make sentences: s1:

i had a cold /…last 2: presentation

1.教学单词:hotel, lamp, broken, loud, enjoy, stay ,fixed .



1) our friend robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.(2) my dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they

were cold and bad.



3) i’m sorry, but we didn’t enjoy our stay very much.4. t:

play the tape again and ss follow 3: teacher-student interaction

1. finish the sentences that describe pictures 1—3k (可选上).2.

circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table.3. read and finish the 4:

classroom tests


hotel()2.更好的a. good()3.

演出a. film()4.台灯a.

light()5.更快的a. faster()6.

喧闹的a. loud

二、给下列问句找出正确的答句。()1. how old are you?

) 2. what did you do yesterday?()3.

how was your weekend?()4. how tall are you?

()5. did you see a film?

a. no, i had a it was fine, i’m 12 years washed my i’m 1.62 homeb.

betterb. showb. lampb.

lowerb. broken

三、根据p18 read and write判断正(a)误(b).

) yifan and his family had a happy time at the holiday




) 2. his father wanted to read a book but the lamp was small.()3.

the hamburgers were cold and tasted bad.()4. wu yifan could watch tv at the hotel.

()5. wu yifan didn’t sleep all night.


板书设计:unit 2 last weekend

words: hotel, lamp, broken, loud, enjoy, stay, fixed


broken chair.

---my dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they

were cold and bad.

---i’m sorry, but we didn’t enjoy our stay very much.



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