
发布 2020-08-22 15:17:28 阅读 7644


课型。单课词题then and learn



级家长签名家长评价:好super: (仍需努力not bad: (


dining hall, grass, gym, years ago, months ago, last year和last month;2、我能掌握四会句型there was / were (no)…?并能运用;3、我了解唐朝人的生活状态和条件,并能用简单的句子进行描述。


难点2、能掌握四会句子there was/were (no)…?并能运用;预学案。


nine, fine, morningdining;all, tall, fallhall;class, glass, greatgrass;afraid,goago;monday,fourthmonth;germany, himgym2、大声朗读以下句子:

what is your room like? there is a bed, a desk and two chairs.

there is a gym in my school. there are four computer rooms in my is no water in the glass. there are no books on the desk.



father: thereno __in my school twenty years __wu yifan: nowa new one in our school.

5、what __your room like four years ago? (根据实际回答)

there wasthere werethere was nothere were no

共学案。1. free talk and revision

2. try to read by yourself, then read in group

nine, fine, morningdining;all, tall, fallhall;class, glass, greatgrass;afraid,goago;monday,fourthmonth;germany, himgym3. listen and read after the sound4. group work and check out5.

game: sharp eyes

6. say sentences: there was ( no )…there were ( no )…7. ask and answer:

a: whatwas …like…?

b: there was…. there were…. there was / were no….

延学案。8. find the mistakes

9. exercises:根据所给的中文提示,写出适当的英文单词。

1. tom bought a book last___月) .2.

there was no草) here two days ago.3. i went to harbin last年).

4. did you see the餐厅)?5. there was a___体育馆)near my 听读背p35。2、抄写p35词、句。

3、用there was / were (no)….描述你爸妈那个时代有或没有的东西,把答案写下来。

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