
发布 2020-08-20 03:35:28 阅读 5153


重点词汇:h**e a fever 发烧 hurt 受伤 h**e a cold 感冒 h**e a toothache 牙痛h**e a headache 头痛h**e a sore throat 喉咙痛sore 疼(adj.)feel sick感觉不舒服h**e the flu 流感drink some milk 喝牛奶stay at home留在家里feel better感觉好点tired不舒服excited 兴奋的angry生气的happy开心的bored无聊的 sad 伤心的on a big trip 长途旅游 between…a and…b a和b a little一点点laugh at笑 h**e a stomachache胃疼。

重点短语:in the winter在冬天 in wintwe(spring sunmmer fall ) get the flu 得流感 a few day 几天 look sad 看上去悲伤fail the math test 数学没通过考试 on saturday morning 在周六早上pass…to…传 take some medicine吃药 drink some hot drinks喝开水。

重点句子:what’s the matter ? 出什么问题了?

how do you feel?你感觉怎么样?

i feel sick. 我感觉不舒服。

i h**e a fever. 我发烧了。

my throat is sore. my nose hurts. 我喉咙疼,我的比鼻子不舒服。

my leg hurts.我的脚受伤了。

i sorry to hear that.很抱歉。

some people feel sick in the winter. 一些人在冬天会觉得不舒服。

if you h**e a fever,you might h**e the flu.如果你发烧了,有可能你得流感了。

if you are sick, see the doctor.如果你觉得不舒服,一定要去看医生。

take some medicine and some hot drinks.吃药,多喝开水。

stay in bed for a few days.在床上躺几天。

you will feel better soon.很快你会觉得舒服点。

how does amy feel? she’s tired. amy觉得怎么样?她觉得很累。

how are you? you look so happy.你怎么了?看上去很高兴。

i am going on a big trip.我要去旅游。

there is a football match between cllass 1 and class 3.一班和三班有个足球赛。how do you feel?

we are going to h**e a football match.我们要举行足球比赛。

my mom is going on a trip without me.妈妈不合我一起去。


the other other


名词复数 some students are playing. other students are standing.

the other:两者中的另一个 i h**e two pens. one is red. the other is blue.

another: 三者中的另一个 you h**e some you give me another apple?

2. a little(有一点后加不可数名词

little (几乎没有,否定。

few (几乎没有,否定) 后加可数名词。

a few(有一点)


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