六年级英语上册Unit1 Unit2单元测试题

发布 2023-02-15 00:14:28 阅读 4494




play the __拉小提琴)take a __散步)

d eye做眼保健操) g划船)__english (学习英语)play打网球)

h**e a __休息一下)play打乒乓球)

___teeth(刷牙)g购物)二.将下列单词或短语变为单三形式(20分) up___


) 1. d well in a...怎么样。

)2. twie a week b.在。方面做得好。

精品文档。 ) 3. f**rite sprt .

一周两次( )abut d.最喜欢的运动() a nth e.一月一次四.连词成句(20分)1.

gd, it, is, fr, e

hw, d, yu, sprts, play

the, vilin, it, is, t, play

4. rest, i’ll, h**e, a , nw, right

精品文档。6. always, healthy, eat, fd, i

7. ften, d, hw, yu, ilk, drink?

8. six, gets up, lishan, at

9. run, i , rning, in, i every ilk day (.



精品文档。2、it’s tieh**e) a rest.3、she is ahealth) girl.

4、t ges batingtw) a week.5、luy___d) well in her study.五、按要求完成句子(10分)

ges t shl ne a nth (划线部分提问)

eats a lt f vegetables (改为一般疑问句)

yu ften play ftball n sunday? (用否定回答)



1.()anigutplayafterplaythevilin? .f d. in

2.( hw ften __yur ther run?a. d b. des . t d d. did3.( she ges __ne a year.

a. skate b. skateing . t skate d. skating4.( an i h**e a rest? -

a. f urse, yu an b. i’afraid yu an . yes, i and. k

5.( they d __every day in the shl.

a. eye exerise b. eyes exerise . eye exerises exerises

6.()y says it’s .with )-hat tie d yu get up?

i get up __half past .at d./

tie t___a .play the yu drink ilk?-i drink ilk every day.

精品文档。tie .hw ften __t play .likes like

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