人教PEP 六年级英语上册Unit6测试题A

发布 2020-08-21 17:54:28 阅读 8995






) 1. don't read in the sun. a. 不要随地吐痰!

) 2. get up earlyb. 不要熬夜。

) 3. keep quietc. 小心地滑!

) 4. don't spit on the floor. d. 当心!

) 5. don't stay up latee. 请开灯!

) 6. be carefulf. 早点起床!

) 7. turn on the light, please. g. 请安静!

) 8. wet floorh. 不要在太阳下看书。



1. -let's go to the zoo today.

a. great

b. all right

c. this way, please

d. ok2. -h**e some oranges, please.

a. here you are

b. that's ok

c. thank you

d. no, thanks

3. -don't read in bed.

a. thank you

b. oh, sorry

c. all right

d. i'm sorry, you're right

4. -how about the green skirt?

a. it's nice

b. i like it

c. i don't know

d. it's good, but i like the yellow one


a. where does the bread come from, zhang peng?

b. where does the flour come from?

c. it comes from the flour.

d. where does the wheat come from?

e. it comes from the wheat.

f. farmers plant the seeds in the fields, water them and wait for them to grow.

when they are ripe, we get the wheat.


1. what makes everyone old?

2. if you take 3 big apples from a basket of 10 apples, how many apples would you h**e? (


3. it rains cats and dogs. (译成汉语)

参***。一、rain cloudy seed steam sun plant from sprout

二、water:sea river stream

plant:tomato wheat corn

verb:wait plant see

三、略。四、l~4 h f g a 5~8 b d e c

五、l.vapourcloudwater dropriver


六、l.a b d 2.c d 3.a c d 4.a b c d

七、c b e d f

八、l.time 2.b 3.倾盆大雨。


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