人教PEP 2024年六年级英语毕业考试全真模拟题

发布 2020-08-21 17:51:28 阅读 9467



) 1. a. teacherb.

certainlyc. sisterd. brother() 2.

a. earthb. nearc.

heard. ear() 3. a.

bowlb. snow() 4. a.

pageb. dog() 5. a.

thinkb. third() 6. a.

gameb. table() 7. a.

onb. office() 8. a.

rulerb. mum() 9. a.

feetb. meat() 10. a.

rightb. ghost二、补一个同类词。(5分)

1. morning, evening2. beer, coffee3. post, office, shop4. thin, fat

c. nowc. pigc.

thosec. getc. orangec.

shutc. sevenc. lightd.

yellowd. bigd. thankd.

raind. opend. colourd.

peachd. night

5. cool, cold


) 1. bob相约tom去公园,应该怎么说?

a. can i go to the park?b. shall we go to the park?

) 2. lily,这是我的朋友。

a. lily, this is my lily, this friend is my.

) 3.当别人邀请你一起去郊游时,你说:"太好了!"a. thank you!b. great!()4.明天上午我要去买东西。

a. i'll go shopping tomorrow i'll do shopping tomorrow morning.

) 5.当你提醒fred不要在街上玩足球时说:a.

don't play football in the street, fred!b. not to play football in the street, fred!


) 1. li hong __tv for two hours every evening.

a. watchb. watchesc. watched

) 2is he?--he is ten.

a. whatb. whoc. how old

) 3. kate and jane __my good friends.

a. isb. amc. are

) 4. -wherehe from?

-- he __from china.

a. is; comeb. is; comesc. does; is

) 5. -where is my pencil?

-- i can't __it.

a. look atb. findc. look for

) 6. we're going to stay here tomorrow. what __you?

a. aboutb. besidesc. with

) 7. that blue jacket is beautiful.

a. fineb. very nicec. well

) 8are these? -they are red pencils.

a. whatb. wherec. what colour

) 9. my mother __three shelves.

a. h**eb. hasc. is() 10. the man over there is

a. miss whiteb. mrs whitec.

mr white() 11kitchen is clean?--mary' who'sb. whosec.

who() 12grade are you in? -grade whoseb. whichc.

where() 13on the river? -there're some whatb. whichc.

what's() 14. that girl is my friend. _name is hisb.

herc. its() 15. helen is behind me.

i am __helen.

a. behindb. in front ofc. beside


1. peter's father often __take) a bus to go to work.

2. look! theyplay) happily in the playground.

3. tom likesswim) in summer.

4. who can __speak) english well in your family?

5. tim and tom __read) in the library. let's __join) them.

6. we will __go) for a picnic tomorrow. we __get) ready for it now.

7. marynot talk) with each otherbe) quite, please.

8be) there any water in the bottle?

9. do you likewatch) tv?

10. don'twash) your shirts now.


1. her sister doing her homework now.

2. tom h**e a happy family.

3. sometimes my parents and me go for an outing on sundays.

4. i usually h**e lunch in home.

5. we sing and dance at the party last night.



britain and mary is from america. they are in the same school. but they aren'tclassmates.

jane is in class one. miss may is her teacher. mary is in miss white'sclass.

they study chinese. they like it. they like shanghai, too.

) 1. jane and mary are good friends and classmates.

) 2. their families aren't in shanghai now.

) 3. miss may is the teacher of class one.

) 4. mary is in class one.

) 5. jane and mary study chinese and they like it.


tomisalittleboy, it is the first time for him to do that. he bought a ticket and then went in. butaftertwoorthreeminuteshecameout, a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket.

two or three minuteslate he came out and asked for another ticket. then the girl in the ticket office askedhim,"whydoyoubuysomanytickets?howmanyfriendsdoyoumeet?

"tomanswered, "no, i h**e no friend here. but a big boy always stops me at the door andtears(撕) my ticket to pieces."

) 1. tom is __years old.

a. sevenb. sixc. nined. eleven

) 2. it wasfor tom to go to the cinema alone.

) 3. tom bought __before the girl asked him.

a. one ticketb. two ticketsc. three ticketsd. five tickets

) 4. tom met __that day.

a. three friendsb. his parentsc. many classmatesd. no friend ofhis

) 5. the big boy was __in the cinema.


2015年小学六年级英语复习指导意见。今年小学六年级英语期末考试题型与2014年基本相同,共有十个大题。包括听力和笔试两部分,其中听力部分40分,笔试部分60分。听力涵盖四个板块 听辨词汇 听辨句子 对话理解和短文理解。笔试部分中含有三个层面 1 注重基础 有词汇 短语和常用句型的检测 2 突出能力...


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