
发布 2020-08-11 11:18:28 阅读 7053

2. 能听、说、读ab部分的三会单词和三会句子。

3. 能够会唱let’s chant, let’s sing, 了解good to know 与 story time 的内容。

4. 能了解pronunciation 中的音标并能正确读出例词。


1. 培养学生合理安排学习和生活的能力,激发学生热爱大自然的美好情感。

2. 了解西方国家的人在外旅行给亲人寄贺卡报平安的风俗,了解使用相机的简单步骤。

evidence: 通过c部分的task time了解学生对单元知识的掌握情况。

通过c部分的let’s check来检测学生对本单元的掌握情况。



the 1st lesson: let’s learn a&b/let’s start/let’s play/good to know

the 2nd lesson: a let’s try/ a let’s talk/ let’s chant/ task time

the 3rd lesson: try /b let’s talk /let’s find out/ let’s cheuk

the 4th lesson: a let’s read/let’s find out/ let’s sing

the 5th lesson: read / let’s find out/ story time

specific vocabulary: learnd chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, bought presents, rowed a boat, saw elephants, went skiing, went ice-skating

specific target sentences: what did you do on your holiday? i ate good food.

specific functional exponents:能在实际情景中运用:what did you do on holiday?进行询问与回答。

source of material: 假期相片、地图、本课时的单词卡片,磁带,课件,头饰,assumptions: 本节课是整合了ab部分的let’s learn 两个课时,10个新的动词过去式词组既是重点也是难点,特别是整合后单词量比较多,这是其中一个难点,另外还有几个难点词组:

bought presents的发音比较难,went skiing与went ice-skating 学生可能会容易混淆。

step 1 warm-up

1. 自编chant: 配合p38 let’s start的**。

what do you do? what do you usually do on holiday?

i buy,buy presents.

what do you do? what do you usually do on holiday?

i take, take pictures.

what do you do? what do you usually do on holiday?

i eat, eat good food.

what do you do? what do you usually do on holiday?

i sing, sing and dance.

( 设计意图:利用chant,激活学生已有的知识,同时复习一般现在时what do you usually do?句型和部分动词词组,为下面的教学作铺垫。活动类型:r)

step 2 presentation

1. 以上的let’s chant 结束后,教师马上接着问:what do you usually do on your holiday?

引导学生利用刚才let’s chant的活**片去回答。

s:i usually take pictures.

t: good! mike likes taking pictures, too.

what did mike do on his holiday? listen! **录音:

hi, i am mike. i went to china on my holiday. i learned chinese and took pictures in china.

听完录音后引导学生回答:mike learned chinese and took pictures on his holiday. 接着教师带读、板书新词组:

learned chinese, took pictures. 并注意让学生区分它们一般现在时与过去时的拼写与读音有什么不同。

2. 利用以上的教学方法,分别引出新词组:sang and danced, ate good food, climbed a mountain, bought presents, rowed a boat, saw elephants, went skiing, went ice-skating.

这些新单词中,要注意通过**观察让学生区分好went skiing与went ice-skating, 另外,presents 与 parents让学生注意区分。板书的时候建议把规则动词:learned chinese, climbed a mountain, rowed a boat, 贴在左边,把不规则动词:

took pictures, sang and danced, ate good food, bought presents, saw elephants, went skiing, went ice-skating贴在黑板右边,让学生容易辨认。

设计意图:通过chant, 用一般现在时引出过去时的新词组,体现了以旧引新的教学方法, 另外,还可以加深学生对一般现在时与过去时的区分和理解。)

3. **let’s learn ab 部分的录音,学生跟读。然后分组读,**车读个别难的词组,自由读。

4. 改编chant, 把一开始的chant改为过去式,例如:

what did you do? what did you do on holiday?

i bought,bought presents.

what did you do? what did you do on holiday?

i took, took pictures.

what did you do? what did you do on holiday?

i ate, ate good food.

what did you do? what did you do on holiday?

i sang, sang and danced.

5. 完成p43 let’s play


6. 快速抢答:全班分为四大组,请一名学生装为抽取两张卡片并依次做相应的动作,四个组的学生根据表演者的动作猜:he ate good food…

7. 学生两人一组,轮流抽取学生卡片编对话,例如:

a:what did you do on your holiday?

b: i climbed a mountain. what about you?

a: i took pictures.

设计意图:单词要句中运用才会有意义,此活动能检测学生能否在实际的语言环境中运用所学知识。活动类型 r)

step 3 assessment

to know: 介绍普通相机的一些零部件的名称和简单的摄影常识,一边介绍一边给学生照一张**。


step 4 homework



specific vocabulary: sang and dance 等有关动词短语的过去式。specific target sentences:

where did you go on your holiday? i went to xinjiang. what did you do there?

i sang and danced with my new friends.

specific functional exponents:能在实际情景中运用“where did you go on your holiday? what did you do there?


source of material: 录音机及磁带,调查**, 几张地名卡片,几张**。

assumptions: 本节课的两个重点句where did you go on your holiday?和what did you do there?


step 1 warm-up

1. let’s chant p38

设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,让学生在欢快的歌声中进入课堂。活动类型 r )

2.教师出示learned chinese, sang and danced , ate good food, took pictures, climbed a mountain 等卡片,让学生快速抢答并拼读动词短语。

设计意图:知识需要不断的重复和滚动,次活动是复习旧知识,巩固上两节课所学内容。活动类型 r )



bathroom eat good food.


姓名 周文生单位 底阁镇甘沟小学 131 邮箱。课题 小学六年级英语上册unit4 i h e a pen pal b let s talk 课型 对话课。授课时间 2012年10月26日,星期五,第3节课。unit4 i h e a pen pal.一 教学目标 1 全体学生能够听 说 读 写句型...


unit4myholiday 授课人费莹。教学目标 1.能够四会以下动词短语 learnedchinese,sanganddanced,tookpictures,climbedamountain,ategoodfood 2能够询问别人在假期里所做的事情并做答。教学重点掌握五个动词短语的过去式形式。教...


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