人教PEP 六年级英语下册教案Unit4第六课

发布 2020-08-11 12:51:28 阅读 1784

unit4 my holiday第六课时教学设计。


本课时的主要内容是let’s read部分的短文理解。本课时中,教师可以首先通过本单元let’s sing部分的歌曲和师生会话复习并导入;然后,通过让学生对教师过去的一次旅行日程安排进行提问,进而接触到本课时阅读短文中的中句型等;接着让学生分组完成阅读任务。最后,通过let’s check对本单元的语言进行整体复习巩固。


听、说、认读短文中的一些重点句子:it was a long holiday. we left beijingfebruary 1stand got to harbin on the 2nd.

for the last day of the holiday, we relaxedand prepared to go back to work or school.

完成let’s find out的活动和let’s check部分的练习。(二)能力。



重点:it was a long holiday. we left beijing february 1stand got to harbin on the2nd.

for the last day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work orschool.的听、说、认读。

难点:relaxed, prepared to… go back, for the last day of de holiday的认读。四、教学**。

五、教学过程1.导入1)daily greeting

2)**let’s sing部分的歌曲。3)free talk

t: where did you go on your holiday?

t: how did you go there?…

t: what did you do there?…

2.呈现新课1)let’s read


timenovember 4thnovember 5thnovember 6thnovember 7thnovember 8thnovember 9th

placeharbinthe parkshops………

dogot to harbintook picturesbought presents

教师让学生试着根据上边的**对教师提问,教师提示所用语言:when did you le**e…?when did you get to harbin?

what did you do on …?did you …on …?

教师在回答i left …on …和i got …on …的同时板书left和got,让学生推测其动词原形,最后教师让学生跟读两个词。

2)教师询问学生的作息时间表,从而引出relaxed,t: where were you at 8’oclock yesterday?s:

i was at what did you do?

s: i prepared to h**e my english classes.

t: where were at 20:00?s: i was at what did you do?s: i watched tv.

t: you relaxed.(教师作出relax的动作)让学生跟读relaxed。

3)教师将学生分组,阅读let’s read。完成以下问题:when did they le**e beijing?

when did they get to harbin?what did they do on february 2nd?what did they do on february 3rd?

what did they do on february 4th?what did they do on february 5th?what did they do on february 6th?

what did they do for the last day of the holiday?


4)**let’s read部分录音,学生跟读。5)教师指导学生完成填充句子的练习。6)let’s find out

教师让学生仔细观察图画。教师提问:how did people tr**el years ago?

学生试着回答。如果学生答不出来,教师可以继续提问:did they tr**el by plane?



7)let’s check


what did he do?where was he?how did he go there?…



学生搜集“五一”**周的旅游线路,了解各条线路的形成安排,然后扮演一名“小记者”向全班学生汇报,如:the most popular place is dali in yunnan. peoplewent to dali by plane.

they left … on may 1st. on may 2nd, they went to stone may 3rd, they ate good food on a small boat. on may 4th, they visited lijiang.

onmay 5th, they climbed yulong mountain.






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