人教PEP 六年级英语下册教案Unit4第五课

发布 2020-08-11 12:50:28 阅读 9542

unit4 my holiday



本课时的主要教学内容是听、说、读、写句型:how did you go there? i wentby…。

本课时中,教师可以首先以听和说引入,主要目的在于:一、回顾第四课时的主要内容,复习过去时;二、营造较轻松的语言环境,缓解部分学生对于读写的畏惧心理。接下来,从看图说话引入let’s try,给学生铺垫知识的过程。

然后,在学生通过let’s try初步了解本课时句型的基础上,教师仍然以上课时已经提到的哈尔滨作为话题引入本课时的对话教学。最后,在story部分教师也是以看图和问题引入故事,在学生基本了解故事的基础上再进行阅读。


听、说、读、写句型:how did you go there? i went by…。了解story中的故事。(二)能力。



重点:听、说、读、写句型:how did you go there?

i went by…。难点:在实际情景中正确运用并能书写所学对话。



4.有关嫦娥奔月的**及资料;宇航员登月的资料。五、教学过程1.导入1)daily greeting


3)教师出示哈尔滨**,t: where did i go last winter? do you remember?…

t: yes. i went to harbin. how did i go there? guess?…

让学生猜测各种交通工具后,t: i went there by train.

t: where did you go on your holiday?…

t: how did you go there?…

首先让学生在实际语言运用中了解本课时句型。2.呈现新课1)let’s try

t: look at the first pictures. what did the girl do?…


二、三幅图中的男孩、女孩分别在干什么。教师**录音,让学生听录音选择。2)let’s talk

t: what’s the weather like in harbin in winter?教师引导学生说:

it’s cold and what can we do there in harbin?s: we can go skiing and ice-skating there.

t: yes. we can go skiing and ice-skating there.

how wonderful! i also can seemany ice-sculptures there. do you want to go?

ss: yes.

t: ok. let’s go. but how can we go there?…

t: we can go there by train or plane. i went harbin by train last winter.

教师在黑板上板书i went by train.让学生跟读。教师让学生推测如何就i went by train提问。

教师耐心听完学生们的推测后,t: ok, now listen.

教师**let’s talk部分录音,让学生检验自己的推测是否正确。t: where did sarah go on her holiday?

s: she went to how did she go there?s:

she went by train.

教师板书how did she go there?让学生跟读并进行书写。t: what did she do there?s: she went skiing.



2)let’s find out


where did you go on your holiday/ last winter…?i went …

how did you go there?i went by…

what did you do there?…

3)story time

教师向学生展示story time部分的挂图,先让学生对故事进行猜测。where did zoom go?how did he go there?

what did he see there?what did he do there?

教师**story部分的录音,让学生看图听录音,对故事进行理解。教师和学生一起检验他们对上边问题的回答。在学生理解故事后,t: is it a dream?…


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