
发布 2020-07-24 19:34:28 阅读 2895

教学内容unit4 road safety教学目标。








unit4 road safety单元测试。



5、乘公交车6、see you easily7、talk loudly8、get on9、a busy road10、to keep safe二、选择填空()1、how can you cross the road

a. safeb. safetyc. safely

)2、you must___a zebra crossing.

a. look atb. look forc. look out of()3、the students are waiting __the p**emeng.

a. onb. inc. behind

)4、the child go to schoolsaturday and sunday .

a. andb. betweenc. except

)5、must i go to see the doctor? no, you. you can h**e a mustb.

needn’tc. mustn’t()6、there are three bedrooms onfloor.

a. the firstb. onec.

first()7、thereany milk in the isn’tb. aren’tc. are()8、——can i help you ?

—a. yes, you i’d like some no, thanks.

)9、can you showthe way to zhongshan road?a. ib.

wec. me()10、there isenglish book on the ab. anc.


1、some dogs(crossing\ are crossing)the busy road.2、you must keep yourself(safe\ safety).3、it’s late.

we(must\ can) run quickly.

4、dad uses it to clean the window(easy、easily).5、there isn’t any(bread\ cakes)on the table.四、根据中文提示完成句子。


whatyouon the road?


you must first look, thenand then left.3、公交车为什么又在停?

is the busagain?4、你必须保持你的桌子干净整洁。

you must keep your deskand.五、阅读理解。

i’ll show you the way

a driver:hello, sir. i want to go to the moon hotel.

do you know it?an old man:yes ,let me get on, i’ll show you the way.

( they drive about

ten miles, and come to a small house.)

an old man:stop here!

a driver:but this isn’t a hotel.

an old man:no, this is my house. and now i’ll show you the way to the

moon hotel. go back nine miles. then you’ll see the moonhotel on the left.

回答问题:1.where does the driver want to go?2.where does the old man take him?

3.why doesn’t the old man stop the driver when they pass the hotel?4. how many miles does the driver go to the moon hotel altogether?



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