
发布 2020-07-24 19:15:28 阅读 5912

module 1

unit 1 the great wall




how long is it? it’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.

how big is beijing? beijing’s got about fourteen million people.

能力目标:1 提高合作能力,能根据短文内容提问并予以回答。

2 用数字表达长度、人口数量。


教学重点: 学会如何描述长度及人口数量。

教学难点: 准确运用how long is it? how big is it? 及如何回答。

教学过程:activity 1 look, listen and find “is/’s, are”


1 learn the new word---postcard, more, thousand, kilometer, million

2 talk about phrases and sentences appeared in this passage.

a picture of, tell me more about, tell me something about

these postcards are great. yes, they are.

it’s a picture of the great wall.

can you tell me more about the great wall?

how long is it?

how big is it?

3 let ss practice the new words, phrases and sentences


5. listen to the tape and answer questions.

what is daming doing?

where is daming and simon?

how long is the great wall?

how big is beijing?

how big is new york?

6 listen to the tape again and then read after the tape.

activity 2 listen and say

活动目标: 熟读重点句型,加强记忆。

read after the tape and help the ss memorize the important sentences.

a: these postcards are great.

b: yes, they are.

a: tell me more about the great wall. how long is it?

b: it’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.

activity 3 game: tell me more

练习tell me more 这个句型。

a: it’s an animal. b: tell me more.

a: it’s very big. b: tell me more. /is it …?

activity 4 practice


1. amy正在参观)china.

2. it’s一张……的**)the great wall.

3. these明信片) are very beautiful.

4. how big is纽约)?

it’s got about eight百万)people.

5. the great wall is about six___千) seven hundred___公里).

6. you are a teacher. (改为一般疑问句)

7. he is a driver. (改为否定句)

8. it’s 2700 kilometers. (就划线提问)

is it?

activity 5

homework: write the sentences about the great wall and the city of beijing.


module 1

unit 2 new york is in the east of america.

教材分析: unit2为第一单元的延续,是在前一课的基础上继续谈论某处,特别让学生学会看地图,从地图上找到某一个地方,指出并说出来。


where is new york? it’s here, in the east. canada is north of america and mexico is south of america.

2 了解句子中的逻辑重音。

3 能够随着韵律熟练朗读chant。

能力目标:1 提高合作能力,能根据短文内容提问并予以回答。





教学过程:activity 1 look, listen and point.


1 explain the sentence: what a big map of america!

read the new word. try to get four words, they are: north, east, west and south.

2 talk about american map, and try to find new york, san francisco.

new york is in the east of america.

san francisco is in the west of america.

3 try to find canada and mexico.

where is canada? it is north of america.

where is mexico? it is south of america.

4 help the children to sum up , new york and san francisco are cities in

america, canada and mexico are countries.

5 listen to tape and point to four places.

6 listen to the tape again and then ask questions.

activity 2 now ask and answer.

活动目标: 通过看中国地图,自己找出中国主要城市的位置,在掌握重点句式的基础上, 尝试表达。

1 look at the map of china, try to find the cities you know, and then tell us where they are?

activity 3 listen and repeat. pay attention to the stress.

活动目标: 通过听音模仿,了解句子中的逻辑重音。

1 listen and repeat.

2 a message about the golden gate bridge.

try to read it together. pay attention to the stress.

activity 4 listen and say, then chant.

活动目标: 会说chant 的同时,了解美国的相关文化。

1 talk about the flag of america.

2 read the chant in pairs.

3 listen to the tape and say the chant together.

activity 5 game

--what am i?

--are you a teacher?

--yes, i am

homework: write the sentences about a city.

t: remember, america is a big country. but china is also very big.

love our country, love our flag, and love everybody around us.

module 2

unit 1 chinatown in america


1.学会听、说句子 :these postcards are great! it’s a picture of the great wall.


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