
发布 2020-07-24 19:14:28 阅读 4622



1. asia n. 亚洲。

asia is the largest continent in the world.

asian adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的。

n. 亚洲人 (复数形式 asians)

2. thailand n. 泰国。

thai adj. 泰国的;泰国人的。

n. 泰国人 (复数形式 thais )

3. bangkok n. 曼谷

bangkok is the capital of thailand.

4. north-east adv. 东北。


north-west 西北。

south-east 东南。

south=west 西南。

5. exhibition n. 展览会(an exhibition)

be at an exhibition 出席展览会。

great cities 大城市 ( a great city)

north-east of shanghai.

north-east of 表示“ 在……的东北方” 指的是不相邻且不相互包含的两个独立事物之间的位置关系,也可说成 to the north-east of

in english, 对于‘方向’ 的描述主要分为以下三种:

a b两地不相邻 b is to the south of a.

a b 两地接壤 b is on the south of a.

a b 两地包含 b is in the south of a.


japan is to the east of shanghai.


mexico is on the south of america.


shanghai is in the east of china.

10. in the past 在过去从前提示用一般过去式。

tr**el to someplace 去某地,与go to 意义相近。

by ship = by sea

by plane = by air = by aeroplane

p. 3 7. how far is it from a to b?

how far 表示‘多远距离’

it 不定代词指代‘距离’,相当于 the distance.

from a to b 从……到 ……

8. how long does it take to take from shanghai to beijin by train?

would you love to skate?

5. they always visit the great wall.

visit someplace 划线提问用what

what do they always visit?

the great wall 由普通名词组成的专有名词。

the bund ; the summer palace

6. more than = over 超过; 多于


there are more than 400 students in our grade.

7. million num. 百万。

china has got an area of 9.6 million square kilometres.

millions of 数百万的……

8. building n. 建筑物。

build v. 建造;建筑 builder n. 建筑工人。

9. huge adj. (very big ) 巨大的。

反义词】 tiny ( very small)

10. famous adj. 著名的 (=well-knowm)

a famous writer 一位著名的作家。

be famous for 以……而著名。

hangzhou is famous for its silk.

11. also,too, either , else ‘也,还’

too和also 只用于肯定句,其中too 用在句末;also 位于行为动词之前,系动词情态动词之后。

either 用于否定句句末。

else 用于疑问词或者不定代词之后。


i am a tourist

i ama tourist.


he is not a student


what __do you usually do with your uncle?


is there anyone __in ?

本课词组:life 城市生活。

cities in asia 亚洲的大城市。

to different cities 去不同的城市。

at an exhibition 在展览会上。

capital of china 中国的首都。

of shanghai 在上海的东北面。

a to b 从a到b

to other places 旅行去其他城市。

the past 在以前在过去。

10. read some information about beijing看一些有关北京的信息。

11. like visiting those places 喜欢参观那些地方

12. visit the great wall 参观长城。

13. more than 15 million people 一千五百多万人。

14. a lot of tall buildings 很多高楼。

15. huge department stores 巨大的百货商店。

16. famous hotels 著名的饭店。

17. loving eating sushi 喜欢吃寿司。

18. many temples and beaches 很多庙宇和海滩。

19. enjoy swimming in the sea 喜欢在大海里游泳。

20. at these beautiful beaches 在这些美丽的海滩上。


unit one

the following into english (词组翻译)(10分)


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