
发布 2020-07-24 19:12:28 阅读 7027


教案内容:my minidictionary

1 mooncake n. 月饼。

2 pudding n. 甜食,甜点;布丁。

3 would rather 宁愿。

it is raining outside . i'd rather stay at home. 外面在下雨,我宁可呆在家里。

提示:would rather 后接动词原形,口语中常使用 'd rather 的缩略形式,用于表示喜。

好﹑ 偏爱,相当于prefer to 。其否定形式为would rather not do something。如:

if i h**e another chance, i'd rather not be like this. 如果再给我个机会,我宁愿


would rather 还常常和than 连用。如:

i'd rather play tennis than swim. 我宁愿打网球,不愿游泳。

a few young people in america would rather get advice from strangers than from

families. 美国的一些年轻人宁可从陌生人那里获取建议,也不愿听家人的话。

my notebook

1 would you like some rice dumpling? 你想要吃些粽子吗?

would you like ..表示“你想要。吗?”,用于询问对方的意见。

would you like...相当于 do you want...如:

would you like a cup of tea?= do you want a cup of tea? 你想要喝杯茶吗?

在回答would you like ..这一问题时,肯定回答多用yes, please. ,否定回答多用。

no ,thanks.。

注意:would like to do something=want to do something


my minidictionary

1 send v.(sent,sent)发送;寄。

she sent me a present.她送了我一件礼物。

can you send this parcel for me? 你能为我寄这只包裹吗?

my school is sending me to new york. 我学校要派我去纽约。

记忆:send for somebody派人去叫某人:eddie, your mother is very ill. send for a

doctor at once.埃迪,你妈妈病得很重。快去请个医生来。

send off something 寄出某物:i'll send he letter off today.我几天就会把信寄出。

联想sender n. 寄件人。

近义 post v. 寄送。

反义 receive v.收到。

my notebook



1 介绍这个节日的所在时间:the dragon boat festival is on the fifth day of the fifth

lunar month.

2 介绍该节日的意义所在:qu yuan died on that day about 2000 years ago. people celebrate the

dragon boat festival to remember qu yuan.

3 介绍该节日的常见活动:people eat rice dumplings and h**e dragon boat races to celebrate this


4 介绍与该节日相关的其他内容:there are two kinds of rice dumplings. some are salty and some are sweet...


key words:

moon cakes, enjoy the beautiful moon, h**e a nice dinner, all the family members, get together, the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, play games

mid-autumn festival


1 i h**e been to many othercountry)

2 it was the day of december. (five)

3 peter like rice dumplings. (salt)

4 i am going to take someof the match. (photo)

5 your teacher will tell you about itlate)


1 i'd likea sweet rice dumpling.

2 heabout two thousand years ago.

3 qu yuaninto the river and

4 heto the cinema yesterday.


) 1 mr li is good at

a. driving c. drives d. to drive

) 2 --how much do you know about qu yuan ?

--i know onlynot too

a. a few...many b. little...much c. a little...much d. few...many

) 3 tom has books on space. so he can read them when he is free.

a. little b. several c. very few d. any

) 4 you like to h**e dinner with us tonight?

a. would b. do c. are d. will

) 5 open the window for you?

a. would you want me b. do you like me c. shall i d. would you like me

) 6 i would rather some orange juice.


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