
发布 2020-06-01 10:38:28 阅读 7179

一、 教学内容。

牛津小学英语》4a第八单元,第一教时(read and say)

二 、 教学目标。

1 能听、说、读单词close, open, read.

2 能听、说、读单词draw, word, don’t, late.

3 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语。that’s all right. don’t be late again.

4 能正确运用 ……please. don’t……(祈使句)


1 能正确运用……,please. don’t……(祈使句)。




a free talk

good morning /afternoon, boys and girls.

ss: good morning /afternoon, miss chen

t: how are you?

ss: fine, thank you. and you.

t: i’m fine, too. thank you.

let’s sing the song.


ss: hello, miss chen

t: i feel cold. close the window, please.

ss: ok.

t: thank you.

t: hello ……

ss: hello, miss chen

t: what’s this in english?

ss: it’s a……

t: oh, close your book, please.

b presentation and practice

1. 介绍句型 that’s all right. don’t be late again.

2. (可预先叫一位学生假装迟到,站在门口)

3. s: sorry, miss chen, i’m late.

4. t: that’s all right. come in, please. (借助手势)

5. but don’t be late again. (借助面部表情)

6. t:(演示一段多**动画内容为:一位老师在上课,门口出现一位迟到的学生)

7. ss: sorry, miss/mr…,i’m late.

8. t: that’s all right. come in, please. don’t be late again.

9. (也可出示第八单元的前两副图,并**录音磁带,让学生听音看图理解)

10. t: (teach the sentences)that’s all right. don’t be late again.

11. ss: repeat.

12. play games with students.(listen and act)

13. t:①open/close your books/pencil-boxes/school bags.

14. ②stand up/sit down, boys and girls.

15. ss: do the actions.

16. (point to the words on the blackboard: open &close)

17. (spell)o-p-e-n

18. t: can you read it?

19. ss: yes. “open”

20. (read “close” in the same way)

21. t: (出示单词卡片read)say “read”.

22. ss: repeat

23. let’s read the word “open /close”

24. ss: open /close

25. t: let’s read the new word “read”

26. ss: read

27. t:(出示单词卡片word) word.

28. ss: repeat

29. 在黑板上画一个苹果)i’ll draw an apple.

30. (在黑板上画一把扇子)i’ll draw a fan.

31. (出示单词卡片draw)draw.

32. ss: repeat

33. 6.操作句型open/close……draw/read……

34. t:(do a model) play games with students. (listen and act)

35. t:① open/close your pencil-boxes/books/school bags.

36. ②read the word.

37. ③draw the apple/pear……

38. ss: do the actions.

39. t: ask one student to be a teacher like me (s-ss)

40. four students a group, one of them to be a teacher ,work in groups.

41. c .read and say.

42. the picture of unit8) now look at the picture and

43. listen to the tape.

44. ss: listen to the tape.

45. read after the tape.

46. read it together.

47. 分角色朗读。

48. act the dialogue out.

49. d. learn a chant .(open and close)

50. e. homework.

51. the words: open. close. read.

52. the dialogue for 10 minutes and recite it.

第二课时。教学内容:part b and


1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词eat ,drink, write ,read ,close ,open .


教学进程:afree talk .

a song 《this is the way 》

says(结合复习open ,close ,turn on ,turn off ,read ,draw and so on .)

blook ,read and learn .

1. t: it’s cold today. let’s do some exercises. follow me:

walk, walk, i can walk.

run, run, i can run.

jump, jump, i can jump.

oh, i’m so thirsty.

引出eat ,drink .

2.介绍并学习draw ,write ,read ,copy ,close ,open .

c look ,choose and say .

d consolidation .

play a game .




e assign homework .

1.抄写eat ,drink ,write ,read ,close ,open四遍。

2. 抄写4a中的句子。


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