
发布 2020-05-31 11:04:28 阅读 1105

module 9

unit 1 did he live in new york?教学设计。


welcome, postcard, cousin, on holiday, tr**el, came, pop, concert。2.能熟练运用did...




及对应的回答yes,主语+did. no,主语+didn’t.难点:

san francisco ,washington dc等地名的发音。




六、教学步骤:step 1 warmer:1. greetings.

自我介绍,师生之间互相问候和自由谈话,引入新单词“welcome”。教师做出欢迎的手势,引导学生说出欢迎,并教读,总结短语:welcome +to + some place欢迎来到某地。

(welcome to china, welcome to beijing.)全体学生起立,向后转,对教室后面的老师们说“welcome to our school”。2.

guessing game.


watch tv, eat food, drink, listen to music, sing songs, go swimming, row a boat, dance, do the housework.

设计理念与意图:师生交流拉近师生关系,使学生快速进行学习状态。用多种方法复习旧知识,为新授学习打下基础。step 2 presentation:


引入句型“did he/she...t: what did you do yesterday?

s1: i watched did he play basketball yesterday? ss:

no, hedidn’ did he watch tv yesterday? ss: yes, he did.

板书句型:--did he/sheyes, he/she didno, he/she didn’t.3.

学习新单词“postcard”“cousin”“dear”“on holiday”“tr**el”“came”“pop”“concert”

a game. pass and read.学生传递卡片,边传边读,照顾到了教室的每个学生,逐个纠正发音。

step 3 learn the text.活动一:吟诵歌谣。

listen and chant.**动画和录音学生跟读,注意单词发音的技巧,如:重。


教师**第二部分的课文动画,学生**并且找出地名,教师解释并领读。2. listen again and answer questions.

does dalong live in new york?did dalong live in new york last year? did dalong tr**el by plane?

3.学生讨论交流问题答案,教师核对答案。4. listen and repeat. step 4 practise.

present the pictures of exe4 in the page 52. let students look at the pictures and practice ****** the dialogue with“didhe...step 4 summary

询问某人过去是否做了某事时:--did you/he/she?--yes, i/he/she + didno, i/he/she + didn’ 6 homework:

the new words three times.2.向家人或同伴讲述dalong的旅行。

板书设计:unit 1 did he live in new york?

--did you/he/she...yes, i/he/she i/he/shedidn’t.


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四年级下语文1 4单元教案

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