
发布 2020-03-29 09:11:28 阅读 7667


教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会读let’s read中信的内容并独立完成信后的书写练习。

2.能够完成let’s find out部分的练习。

3. 能够听懂、会唱歌曲“a trip to china”。

教材难点:1.本课时的教学重点是能读懂let’s read部分的一封信。

2. 本课时的教学难点是能正确认读下列句子:every day i had fun with my cousins.

on monday we went to a restaurant.

教学重点:1. 本课时的教学重点是句型:where did you go on your holiday? i went to xinjiang.


教学准备:录音机及磁带;let’s learn部分的单词卡片;调查**;几张地名卡片;几张**;英汉字典。



1. 教师放五年级下册的歌谣“let’s go on a field trip…” 学生边唱歌边跟教师作相应的动作。

2. 教师放let’s chant的录音,学生跟着录音说。


1. “猜一猜”游戏:教师呈现学生小时候的**问:

who’s he/she? 引导学生回答。然后教师拿出自己小时候的**让学生猜。

学生猜出后,教师指着**说:yes, it’s me. i was … years old then.

教师依次拿出几张风景照,问:guess. what place is it?


2. let’s start

教师展示本部分的挂图问:do you like holidays? what do you usually do on your holiday?

do you go on trip? what do you usually do during your trips? 引导学生根据提示图回答。

.presentation and practise

let’s learn

1. 教师问一名学生:what’s your hobby?

引导学生回答。教师指着自己说:i like taking pictures.

i h**e many beautiful pictures. 然后拿出一张风景照说:look at this picture.

i took the picture last week. 教师板书took pictures和take pictures,请学生认真观察并说出两个短语的不同之处,然后指导学生拼写。

2. 教师拿出一张自己爬山的**,说:i went to xinjiang/…last year.

guess. what did i do there? 请学生猜。

如果有学生猜到climb a mountain,教师就向学生展示**:yes, that’s right. i climbed a mountain.

教师板书climbed a mountain,带读,引导学生对东词原形和过去式形式进行比较。教师继续问:h**e you ever been to any famous mountains?

where h**e you been? 引导学生说:i climbed hua/yandang/…mountain.

教师可继续提问:when did you climb yandang mountain? i climbed yandang mountain in spring/april 8th.

3. 教师再次展示爬山的**,说:i climbed huang mountain.

then i was hungry. i went to a restaurant. guess.

what did i do there? 如果学生猜到吃东西,教师就拿出一张美食的**说:yes, i ate.

i ate good food. 板书ate good food和eat good food,带领学生比较不同之处。教师带读,注意强调ate的发音。

4. 教师依次出示爬山和美食的**说:i climbed a mountain.

i ate good food, too. what else did i do there? guess.

5. 教师放课前准备的歌曲录音,放完一遍后,问学生:do you like it?

would you like to sing along? 教师和学生一起跟着录音哼唱歌曲。教师问学生:

what did we do just now? 引导学生回答:we sang a song.


people in xinjiang like singing. they like dancing, too. 教师板书sang and danced,带读。

6. 教师出示本部分的教学挂图,介绍说:mike and john went to xinjiang together.

mike likes taking pictures. he took many pictures. what else did he do?

手指mike学中文的图说:he learned chinese. 板书 learned chinese,带读。

教师再问学生:what did john do? 引导学生回答:

he climbed a mountain. he ate good food. he sang and danced.

7. 教师放a let’s learn部分的录音,学生跟读。

8. 教师带领学生说唱下面歌谣:

what did you do on your holiday?

what did you do on your holiday?

i took, took pictures.

what did you do on your holiday?

i climbed, climbed a mountain.

what did you do on your holiday?

i learned, learned chinese.

what did you do on your holiday?

i sang, sang and danced.

9. 快速抢答:全班学生分成四大组。

请一名学生上来抽取两张卡片并依次做相应的动作,四个组的学生根据表演者的动作猜:he ate good food/ …and climbed a mountain/… 哪个小组手先猜出正确答案就得一分,最后总分最高的小组获胜。

10. 学生两人一组,轮流抽取学生卡片编对话。

let’s play


good to know

1. 教师介绍普通相机一些基本零部件的名称和简单的摄影常识。




授课时间:1. 教师与学生的日常会话。

2. 复习上一课时新课呈现部分所学的歌谣。


1. 教师放a let’s learn 部分的录音,学生跟读并拼读动词短语。


请五名学生到教室前面,教师任意抽取一张短语卡片,让五名学生根据卡片上的内容造句,如:i learned chinese at school. 不能正确造句的学生即被淘汰出局。


.presentation and practise

let’s try

1. 学生听let’s try部分的录音,完成练习。

2. 教师提问:what do people in xinjiang like doing? 引导学生回答:they like singing and dancing..

let’s talk

1. 教师出示一张新疆的风景照说:look at this picture.

this is a picture of xinjiang. i went to xinjiang two years ago. 教师再拿出一张公园的**,说:

this is a park. i went to the park last weekend. 教师板书:

i went to…指导学生拼写单词went。

2. 教师出示一张中国地图说:this is a map of china.

i went to a city last year. it’s in guangdong province. it’s a new city.

guess. where did i go? 引导学生用句型did you go to ,,猜一猜,然后教师说:

yes, i went to…

3. 教师邀请一名学生到讲台前面来描述自己曾经去过的一个地方,教师问:where did you go on your holiday?

引导这名学生回答。再请几名学生轮流上台,台下的学生其问:where did you go on your holiday?


4. 教师在请一名学生上台,随意抽取一张地名卡片举起来,不要让台上的学生看到卡片的内容。台下的学生一起问:

where did you go on your holiday? 台上的学生用i went to… 回答。猜对地名后,这名学生指定另外一名学生上台继续游戏。

教师再拿出上一课时的单词卡片,在学生猜出地点名称后,任意抽取一张动词短语过去式的卡片,带领台下学生问:what did you do there? 请台上的学生回答。


5. 听录音,跟读let’s talk部分的内容。


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