六年级英语教学设计 15

发布 2020-03-27 17:52:28 阅读 4870

unit4review and check(第二课时)一.教材分析教学目标。








1.ask one by one : who is taller, xxx or xxx ?

2.四人一组比赛,快速问答i go to bed at go to bed at8:30.

whogoestobedlater,xxxorxxxx?xxxgoestobedlaterthan xxx.\ i get up at……,i get up at…….

who gets up

earlier, xxx or xxx? xxx gets up earlier.……

xxxgo to bed earlier than xxx?does xxx get up laterthan xxx?

4.复习动物类单词(用动物用比较)arebearsasbigaselephants?并积极地参加比较工作,要求快速地问答。教学part b


1.打开书,先看图,说说图的意思,并用英语说出来2.同桌讨论,并以教材为model说出其它的问答句。3.起立一人答出其答句,其他同学倾听较对4.写一写。教学part c



unit 4 review and check

who goes to bed later, helen or mike ?does the boy……?

yes, he does.\no, he does the orange in the……?yes, they are.

\no, they aren’t.作业设计翻译句子。

.高山比吉姆强壮。gao shan isjim.2.凯特比苏珊小半小时。kate issusan.

.沿着这条路走,在第三个拐弯处右拐。gothe,rightthe 4review and check一.语音。

) work() horse() along() old二.英汉互译。


7.穿蓝衣服的男孩 more exercise9.擅长画画10.遇到问题三.阅读理解,自己编题让同桌判断正误。

chris: so, what did you do this weekend, kate?

kate:oh, that sounds nice. where did you go?

about you? did you do anything special?chris:

not really. i just worked on my car all that old thing ! why don’t you just buy a new one?

chris: buy then what would i do every weekend?kate:

did you do anything on sunday , chris?

chris:no, do?

kate: i met some oh, where did you go?

kate: we went to a great outdoor concert. thenwe had dinnerout and went dancing.

chris: i sounds like you had a busy weekend !kate:

yeah, i guess i did.第四单元unit 4一.教学内容。

单元要求tall, light, young, old, he**y1、听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写。

strong, slow, low, fish, late, be good at

2、stops, turn, left/right, post, office, get on/off, along,street

3、twin, minute, centimeter,child, cute, also,chat

1、far,traffic,well,jog,dowellin,h**eproblemswith,domoreexercise,animal show, go for a walk

2、city,crossing,away,suddenly,shout,thief,shoppingcenter, middle school, out of, train station, history museum.3、日常交际用语及句型i’m as tall as you.

su yang’s (twenty minutes)younger then su school bag is he**ier, yours or mine?1、听得懂、会说、会读that’s done.

jim is not as fast as ben. mike runs as fast as ben.2、go along this street, and then turn right at the thirdcrossing.

how far is it from here?it’s about a kilometer can take bus many stops are there?

how can i get to the shopping center?3、句型。

who’s taller than d**id?

gao shan is taller than d**id.1、听得懂、会说、会读、会写ben runs faster than jim.

do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than d**id?2、can you tell me the way to…please?






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