三年级英语教案 三年级英语下册第三单元教案 译林英语

发布 2020-03-07 09:45:28 阅读 4959



总课题unit 3 is this your pencil?总课时第1课时课题story time


1.能初步听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:this isn’t my pencil.

is this /thatyour pencil? yes,it is. no, it isn’t.

2.能初步听懂、会说、会读写词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber,pencil case

3.能初步听懂、会说、会用物主代词my, your。


教学重点能听懂、会读、会运用单词school bag, pen ,pencil, crayon,ruler, rubber, pencil case, lunch box,并正确运用一般疑问句和做相应的回答。

教学难点能听懂、会读、会运用单词school bag, pen ,pencil, crayon,ruler, rubber, pencil case, lunch box,并正确运用一般疑问句和做相应的回答。教学准备挂图,卡片,录音机教学过程二次备课step 1:warm

t:hello, boys and girls! ss:hello, miss li.

t: you are good boys and girls. sodon’t talk in class, ok?

ss: ok, miss a song “don’t talk, tom!”

t:great! let’s sing a song, girls sing tim’s part, boys sing tom’s part.

let’s pk!step 2:presentation

教授一般疑问句is this/that ..及肯定回答yes, it is和否定回答no, it isn’ free talk

t: look!what’s this? (拿一本学生的英语书)ss: it’s a book.

t:is this anenglishbook?ss:

yes t: what’s that?(拿一本学生的语文或数学书)ss:

it’s a book, too. t: is that anenglishbook?

ss:no. b.


一般疑问句:is this/that a/an ..肯定回答:

yes, it is.否定回答:no, it isn’t.

老师出示所学单词卡片进行操练ppt出示**,根据**同桌练习句型c. freetalk

t: xxx. is this yourenglishbook?

s1: no, it isn’ oh, xxx. is this yourenglishbook?

s2: yes, it is.

t:boys and girls, is this his/her book? ss:

yes, it is. t: here you are.

s2: thank 教授句型出示句子---

一般疑问句:is this/that your/his/her...回答:yes, it it isn’出示**,根据**同桌练习句型(√-yes× no)教授词汇。

t:is this your rubber? s: yes it is.

t: what else do you h**e on your desk?s:..

教授词汇:ruler, pencilshow a schoolbag and ask student:

t: what’s this? .yes, it’s a schoolbag.教授schoolbagschool+bag= schoolbag比较hot+dog= hotdog



what’s this/that?b: it’s a ..

a: is this/that your/ his/ her...b:

yes, it is/no, it isn’ hereyou are. b. thank you.

t: now, collect your stationeriesin a group. step 3:


t: look! mike is nervous.

let’s watch the cartoon and answer the questions: is mike looking for?2.

did he find out at last? a. watch the cartoon andanswer b.

read after it. c. read in a group step 4:


1. copy the new words three the story time three times.


3 is this your pencil?

a/an/your/his/her...schoolbagpenpencilpencil it is.

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