
发布 2020-03-07 09:41:28 阅读 8152



nk( 喝 )2. ruit(水果) ice(果汁)

pper(晚饭) lt(盐) es(鞋)

ur(颜色) rf(围巾) nday(星期天)

10. l mp(台灯)





pair of socksg. 睡衣。






glass of milk

for a walk


) you hungry?

a. yes, i’m very hungry! like school. ,this food is good.

) go to bed

the morning the afternoon the evening.

) you like some more soup?

please! b. yes please! i like school!

) the morning, i eat

) like fish

not ) dreams. jenny!

good mum!

) f**ourite food is noodles

noodles are

) is

) you some soup?

( )my f**ourite colour


ab ) you like to play ping-pong let’s play ping-pong

) your sweater an apple.

) is it’s old.

) much for one want to play ping-pong

) do you want to doe. five yuan.


you ready to

i h**e please

dress is this3. sure!

d. what day is jenny’s

for .情景交际(20分)


a.this is rice. you like some rice?

( )2.当别人请你吃东西时,你不想吃,应说:



would you like please? is it?

( )4.当你想问这个帽子是谁的时,应说:

this your hat is this?


a. how much for onr donut? many for one donut?


i borrow your pencil? may borrow your pencil.


he wearing? she wearing?


like meat. don’t like meat


you like some tea? would you like?


welcome thanks.



2. f .对应中文连线(10分)

4. e .请选出每组中与众不同的一项。(10分)

2。d .英汉互译(10分)

hungry 2. you’re welcome 3.晚安 4.一杯牛奶 5.散步。


1.a 2.c 3.b 4.c 5.a 6.d 7.a 8.b 9.b



a---2 b---3 c---4 d---5 e---1



三年级下册英语期末试卷。笔试部分 80分 一 按顺序默写出26个大小写字母,13分 二找出下列单词中不同类的一项。5分 1.a.mother b.sister c.cap 2.a.sixteen b.blue c.fifteen 3.a.like b.apple c.orange 4.a.canad...


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